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Napolitano’s Statement on Trump Administration’s Proposed Carbon Emissions Rule

August 21, 2018
Press Release

(WASHINGTON, DC) Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-El Monte) released the following statement after the Trump Administration announced their proposed rule on carbon emissions, effectively terminating the Clean Power Plan:

“It is infuriating that President Trump is again siding with coal-burning states and coal lobbyists over the health and safety of all Americans. It does not take a scientist to understand that pollution does not follow state boundaries. The expected rule and its increased emissions of carbon dioxide will affect human health all across the country and globe. Today’s announcement further shows this administration’s absence when it comes to mitigating the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

“California by contrast is working to combat climate change by lowering our carbon emissions, increasing our renewable energy production, and creating a drought-proof, sustainable water portfolio. However, it is critical that we continue to work with other states and business leaders to prioritize public health and our planet’s future over polluters and corporate profits.”

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