• The CDC has guidance for older Americans on COVID-19 which can be found here.
  • For questions about receiving Social Security benefits during the COVID-19 national emergency, visit the SSA’s updates and frequently asked questions page here. If you need to get in touch with your local Social Security Office, use the office locator here to find their phone number.
  • AARP maintains a Coronavirus Resource Page here to provide updated information on the virus and expert advice on health, personal finance, pharmacy and caregiving, and many other issues of concern to the senior and older American community. 
  • AARP Community Connections brings volunteers together and links to important resources, including help lines, volunteer support networks, and community chat rooms to help seniors stay connected and fight social isolation.


  • The Maryland Department of Aging has coronavirus information specific to older adults on its website. See here.
  • The Maryland Department of Aging has information about nutrition and meal services for older adults here.
  • The Maryland Department of Aging also has a first-in-the-nation, free Senior Call Check program to verify the well-being of those 65 years old and older in our communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Register by calling 1-866-50-CHECK or register online here. Every day a telephone call will be placed to a participant at a regularly scheduled time. These calls will take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. If the participant does not answer their first call, they will be tried two more times. If those calls go unanswered, additional calls will be made to notify an alternative person who is selected by the participant during program enrollment.