CDC Mobile & Voice Activities

milestone tracker
Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are an excellent way to deliver public health information. Learn more about CDC’s apps.

Mobile apps are an excellent way to deliver public health information. Learn more about CDC’s apps.

Web Apps
SOLVE THE OUTBREAK. Play Solve th Outbreak on the CDC website today!

Solve the Outbreak is a fascinating peek into the work that real-life Disease Detectives do every day to keep us safe.

Voice Apps
Health IQ Alexa icon

“Alexa, play CDC Health IQ”

You can now ask Alexa to “Launch CDC Health IQ” and then play a fun health trivia game. Choose from three levels of difficulty, Easy, Medium, or Hard…each quiz delivers a mix of 5 questions. Enable the skill today on your Amazon Alexa device.external icon

Page last reviewed: May 28, 2019