Trending Topics

  • News Release: ERS, AAEA Partner to Grow Diversity in Field of Agricultural Economics
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service and the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association announce a new partnership to increase diversity in the field of agricultural economics. By expanding the number of students from underrepresented groups pursuing advanced degrees and careers in agricultural economics, both organizations aim to diversify, support and retain a new generation of skilled professionals more representative of today’s society.
  • Turkey Sector: Background & Statistics
    Seasonal feature: ERS provides background data on U.S. turkey production, use, and trade since 2016, as well as wholesale and retail prices.
  • Pumpkins: Background & Statistics
    ERS provides background data and statistics on pumpkin production, use, wholesale and retail prices, and yield in the United States, and includes selected data on the top six producing States.
  • Data Training Webinars
    Learn how to find and use ERS data in a new Data Training Webinar series. These webinars provide an introduction to ERS data products, highlighting uses of the data as well as demonstrating how to find the data online.
  • Drought in the Western United States
    Information on drought conditions in the Western United States and implications for the agricultural economy.
  • Agricultural Markets in Russia and Ukraine
    The following page provides a summary and links to Economic Research Service publications related to agricultural markets in Russia and Ukraine.
  • Nutrition Security Research Resources
    ERS conducts economic research on numerous topics central to food and nutrition security in order to inform public and private decision making. This page provides links to selected ERS resources on these topics.
  • Racial and Social Equity Research Resources
    The following page provides a summary and links to Economic Research Service publications related to racial and social equity.
  • ERS Joins AAEA's 2022 Annual Meeting
    USDA’s Economic Research Service joins the 2022 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting July 31 to August 2, 2022.
  • News Release: ERS Introduces New Charts of Note Mobile App
    The ERS Charts of Note mobile app is designed to deliver agency research straight to your mobile device. The app provides a new way for users to access the popular ERS Charts of Note series, which highlights economic research and analysis on agriculture, food, the environment and rural communities.
  • ERS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Media Resources
    The following page provides links to the latest available data supporting the analysis of potential effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on U.S. commodity markets, including supply chain disruptions and global demand for agricultural products. Additional links provide background information on a variety of farm and food topics.
  • Hurricane Impacts on Agriculture
    ERS and USDA resources covering recent hurricane impacts, as well as historical and background information reporters may find useful.
  • Agricultural Outlook Forum Resources
    Join ERS at the 98th USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, a virtual event where key stakeholders from the agricultural sector in the United States and around the world come together to discuss this year’s theme “New Paths to Sustainability and Productivity Growth.” This page provides ERS materials that may interest attendees, including information about ERS presentations, state fact sheets, charts, articles, reports, and more.
  • ERS Celebrates World Statistics Day 2020
    Organized by the United Nations, the third World Statistics Day is celebrated around the globe on October 20, 2020. The theme, "Connecting the world with data we can trust," reflects the importance of trust, authoritative data, innovation, and the public good in the national statistical systems. This page provides ERS data you can use on World Statistics Day, including charts, articles, reports, and international statistics.
  • News Release: 2018 Research Highlights
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) produced more than 300 research, information and outlook products in 2018 on topics ranging from U.S. and global commodity markets to trends in what Americans eat when they are away from home, enhancing the public’s understanding of agriculture and food issues that affect everyone’s daily lives.
  • News Release: 2017 Research Highlights
    The USDA’s Economic Research Service produced key research in 2017 on topics ranging from socioeconomic trends in rural America to the economic effects of food labels, enhancing the public’s understanding of agriculture and food issues that affect Americans’ daily lives.
  • ERS & NASS Participate in 2022 Goldschmidt Fellowship Data Immersion Workshop
    The following page provides details about a joint workshop hosted by USDA's Economic Research Service and National Agricultural Statistics Service for the 2022 Goldschmidt Fellowship Data Immersion Workshop. During the workshop, each agency will share how business journalists can use USDA research, data and surveys to inform the public on topics related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural America.