This is archived content from the U.S. Department of Justice website. The information here may be outdated and links may no longer function. Please contact if you have any questions about the archive site.

Department of Justice Archive

Leadership Offices Components  Cases  Initiatives & Priorities  |  More

Leadership Offices

Office of the Attorney General

Office of the Deputy Attorney General

Office of the Associate Attorney General


Antitrust Division

Civil Division

September 11th Victim Compensation Program

Civil Rights Division

Community Relations Service

Criminal Division

Environment and Natural Resources Division

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

Justice Management Division

Information for Employees During the Lapse in Appropriations, December 2018

Information for Employees During the Lapse in Appropriations, January 2018

Information for Employees During the Lapse in Appropriations, October 2013

No Fear Act Data

Performance and Accountability Reports and Plans

National Security Division

Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management

Office of the Federal Detention Trustee

Office of Information Policy

Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison

Office of Legal Policy

Office of Legislative Affairs

Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties

Office of the Pardon Attorney

Office of Professional Responsibility

Office of Public Affairs

Blog Archive

Departmental Events

Justice News Archive

Photo Gallery Archive

Podcast Archive

Video Archive

Office of Tribal Justice

Office on Violence Against Women

Tax Division

United States Attorneys

U.S. Parole Commission

U.S. Trustee Program


Amerithrax Documents

Enron Trial Exhibits and Releases

Defending the Affordable Care Act

U.S. v. City of New York (FDNY)

U.S. v. State of New Jersey (Police Sergeant)

Initiatives & Priorities

Criminal Justice System as a Counterterrorism Tool

Defending Childhood

Department of Justice Activities in Iraq

Drug Endangered Children Task Force

Faith-Based & Community Initiatives

Hate Crimes

Heroin and Opioid Awareness Week

Identity Theft Task Force

Intellectual Property Task Force

Life and Liberty          

National Commission on Forensic Science

National Drug Intelligence Center

Office for Access to Justice 2010-2018 

Office of Community Dispute Resolution

Office of Policy Development

President's Corporate Fraud Task Force

Project Safe Childhood

Recovery Act

Strengthening Our Military Families

Task Force on Market Integrity and Consumer Fraud

Ten Years Later: The Justice Department after 9/11

Tribal Justice and Safety


DOJ en Español

Former Departmental Officials

Open Government at DOJ

Publications and Documents

Special Counsel's Office