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Gun Safety

As a former Navy Commander and now as a Member of Congress, I took an oath to protect this nation and its people, while simultaneously swearing to protect our Constitution. I believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to own guns, but commonsense measures are necessary to keep our communities safe from gun violence.

I joined the bipartisan effort to require universal background checks for gun purchases or transfers, with commonsense exceptions for gun transfers between immediate family members, and temporary transfers for the purpose of hunting or target shooting. On February 27, 2019, I voted for the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8), which passed the House of Representatives and is pending in the Senate

This issue took on even greater urgency after the mass shooting in Virginia Beach on May 31, 2019. Along with all members of the Virginia Beach community, I will forever remember and honor the individuals who were tragically taken from their families and loved ones. I introduced a resolution to honor the lives that we lost during our community's darkest day. This resolution will help us properly remember the victims and honor the heroism that emerged from this tragedy.

Large-capacity ammunition magazines (gun magazines that could hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition) have emerged as a popular tool among mass shooters. These magazines allow people to fire more bullets at a faster rate. That is why I supported the Keep Americans Safe Act (H.R. 1186). If signed into law, it would prohibit the possession or transfer of large-capacity ammunition magazines.

I am also a cosponsor of the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Act. This bill would allow family members, therapists, law enforcement, and others to petition a judge to sign a protective order to prevent an individual from purchasing or retaining their firearm for a certain period if they are determined to be a danger to themselves or others.

Most recently, I cosponsored the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 (H.R. 1296). This bipartisan legislation would prohibit the importation, transfer, or sale of semiautomatic weapons. At the same time, it respects the rights of law-abiding gunowners by not instituting a buy-back or repossession program for semiautomatic weapons or bump stocks.

I am confident we can help protect our communities while preserving law-abiding citizens' 2nd Amendment rights.