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Bringing Partners on Board


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NPW National Prevention Week Save The Date May 7-13 2023

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Widen the reach and impact of your prevention efforts by considering how you can sustain current partnerships and create new ones. Collaboration is key!

Partners are key to creating prevention efforts that sustain themselves over time. National Prevention Week is the perfect opportunity to reach new groups and build a platform for year-round engagement and collaboration.

Find Partners

Consider who can help you get the word out and then work with these groups in a way that’s a win-win for you both. Avoid pitfalls by checking out our tips for working with partners.

Reach Out to Sponsors

Sponsors can offer in-kind or financial support, adding critical resources to help make your event a reality. Our template can take the guesswork out of structuring sponsorship agreements so that they’re a win-win for all parties involved.

Help Them Help You

Everyone is busy and forced to do more with less. Make it easy for others to support you by giving partners and stakeholders ready-made language and materials that they can send out through their networks. Tailor our materials to your event and organization’s information for better results.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/14/2022