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Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC)

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The Tribal Technical Advisory Committee helps build and maintain SAMHSA’s government-to-government relationship with American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.

In 2008, in recognition of Presidential Executive Orders and Memorandum on Tribal Consultation, SAMHSA formed the Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC). SAMHSA established this committee to enhance the government-to-government relationship and to honor the Federal trust responsibilities and obligations to Tribes and American Indian and Alaska Native people.

The SAMHSA TTAC membership is comprised of 14 elected Tribal leaders from federally recognized Tribes. The SAMHSA TTAC provides a venue wherein Tribal leadership and SAMHSA staff can exchange information about public health issues, identify urgent mental health and substance abuse needs, and discuss collaborative approaches to addressing these behavioral health issues and needs.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 11/14/2022