Nikhil Kapoor

How did you earn The Congressional Award?

VPS: I volunteered at Culverdale Elementary school to help students from the 6th grade class with
homework and getting ready for their future education by teaching them the seven habits of highly
successful teens. I also had the opportunity to tutor kids online through Sharetree with any important
curriculum (primarily science).

PD: I chose to learn spanish as a second language through a native spanish speaker along with using
Rosetta stone.

PF: I chose to continue to train with an Olympic Korean archery coach, practicing both indoor and outdoor shooting to train for both State and National tournaments.

EXP: I traveled to India to learn about the Indian culture along with learning the history of important

What are your current ambitions?

Currently I am studying biochemistry at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts on the Pre-med
path. Along with this I am an EMS first responder on campus and I volunteer at the St. Vincent Hospital. I
hope to get my EMT certification along with successfully gaining any research opportunity.

Where do you find your motivation?

I find Harry Potter to be a childhood series that has always helped me through tough times when I found myself different from everyone else. I always loved Disney and his quote “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends,” which had always encouraged me to keep trying. A podcast I like to listen in my free time would be by Elio Martin about dark psychology. The human psych never ceases to amaze me.


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