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Logo Use Guidelines

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Standards for using and displaying variants of the SAMHSA logo in print and electronic media.

The SAMHSA logo was updated in February, 2018 and includes only the agency name and acronym. The mailing address, phone number and website URL no longer appear as part of the logo design. Phone numbers and URL must be included elsewhere in all materials. The mailing address is optional and should be based on necessity.

The SAMHSA logo is to appear in black or reflex blue (Pantone Matching System (PMS) 1F419A R0, G0, B153) against a light background or in white against a dark background.


Use: Use the SAMHSA logo on the front and back covers of all products cleared by SAMHSA.

Resolution: The minimum height of the SAMHSA logo is 3/4 inch when appearing on web-based materials or standard 8-1/2"x11" print products. Please check with OC for logo sizing on products that are smaller than 8-1/2"x11". The overall proportions and elements of the SAMHSA logo may not be altered.

Color: The SAMHSA logo shall appear in either black or Reflex Blue when shown on a white or light colored background— or white (reverse) on a dark background.


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Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/27/2022