Long Term Care Vaccinations





Find COVID-19 vaccination details for Nursing Homes as reported by the facilities.




Find COVID-19 vaccination details for Assisted Living Facilities as reported by the facilities.

All information is self-reported by individual Skilled Nursing Facilities and Adult Care Facilities daily via the New York State Department of Health’s HERDS survey.



If there are no facilities in a specific county for a given facility type, the cell will be blank.

Download Nursing Home and Adult Care Facility Resident and Staff Vaccination Data

Vaccine Metrics

Percentage of resident population vaccinated is based on information self-reported by individual Skilled Nursing Facilities and Adult Care Facilities daily via the New York State Department of Health’s HERDS survey. It is calculated from the number of residents and the number completing the recommended series of a given COVID-19 vaccine product (e.g. 2 doses of the 2-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or 1-dose of the 1-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine).

Percentage of staff population vaccinated is based on information self-reported by individual Skilled Nursing Facilities, Adult Care Facilities, and Home and Community Based Services Organizations daily via the New York State Department of Health’s HERDS survey. It is calculated from the number of staff and the number completing the recommended series of a given COVID-19 vaccine product (e.g. 2 doses of the 2-dose Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or 1-dose of the 1-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine).

County is based on the location of individual.

The deadline for the vaccine mandate for staff has passed. The survey denominator does not include staff that have left the facility, and as more employees get vaccinated the rate will approach 100%.


From December 2020 to early April 2021, the federal government, in partnership with pharmacies, operated a program to vaccinate staff and residents at Long Term Care Facilities including:

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • Continuing care residential communities
  • Residential care communities/adult family homes
  • HUD 202 low-income senior housing
  • Intermediate care facilities for individuals with development disabilities
  • Veteran's homes


As part of the federal government’s Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) program, pharmacies vaccinated 130,669 residents and 97,094 staff members at over 1,700 New York-based Long Term Care Facilities. New York State re-allocated leftover doses from the Federal LTCF program to the state’s healthcare distribution system.



Since the conclusion of the federal government’s Long Term Care Facility program, New York State continues to support vaccination of staff and residents at facilities across the state:

  • ​The Department of Health issued regulations to require that nursing homes and adult care facilities offer existing personnel and residents an opportunity to receive the first or any required next dose of the COVID-19 vaccine within 14 days of adoption, and that they offer all new personnel and residents within 14 days of being hired or admitted.
  • The Department of Health continues to work with individual facilities and associations to eliminate barriers to vaccine access and administration. ​

Doses Administered (Federal LTCF Program) is based on the first and second doses that New York pharmacies administered to residents and staff as part of the federal Long Term Care Facility Program.