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Pharmacist Verification of Buprenorphine Providers

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Tools and guidance for pharmacists to verify practitioner waivers to prescribe or dispense buprenorphine.

Pharmacists can use the Buprenorphine Pharmacy Lookup to verify a practitioner's certification to prescribe and dispense buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD).

Certified practitioners must include on prescriptions the following information for OUD treatment medications:

  • DATA 2000 waiver identification number (X-number)
  • DEA registration number 

Buprenorphine products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options to treat OUD are available in pharmacies throughout the United States. Pharmacies and waivered practitioners can obtain the medication by contacting a pharmaceutical wholesaler directly.

Practitioners are required to have waivers to prescribe or dispense buprenorphine under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (DATA 2000).

Pharmacists and pharmacies are not required to have any credentials for dispensing these medications beyond those for other Schedule III medications. Certain federal laws and regulations, however, do affect pharmacy practice with regard to OUD treatment prescriptions.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 03/02/2021