Division of Viral Diseases (DVD)

Our Mission

The Division of Viral Diseases’ (DVD) mission is to prevent disease, disability, and death from viral diseases through immunization and other prevention measures.

Our Objectives

DVD’s objectives are to

  • Optimize the safe, efficient, and effective use of vaccines and other known ways to prevent viral diseases
  • Identify, characterize, and evaluate new ways to prevent viral diseases
  • Effectively and efficiently respond to outbreaks of respiratory and enteric viral disease
  • Improve local, state, and global capacity to prevent disease and respond to outbreaks caused by respiratory and enteric viruses
  • Attract, train, and retain the best leaders, managers, and scientists

What We Do

  • Conduct and provide scientific consultation for viral disease outbreak investigations and responses
  • Build and support viral disease detection and reporting capacity
  • Conduct and support epidemiological and laboratory research to prevent and control diseases and syndromes caused by viruses
  • Provide scientific leadership for evidence-based decision making on the use of viral vaccines and other prevention measures
  • Communicate evidence-based findings including prevention strategies for viral diseases and syndromes
Division of Viral Diseases Organizational Chart
Updated April 2022

Our Organization

As of January 2021, DVD leadership and branch structure are as follows:

Office of the Director

Viral Gastroenteritis Branch

Polio and Picornavirus Laboratory Branch

Respiratory Viruses Branch

Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch

Page last reviewed: January 25, 2021