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Online Course on the Primary Prevention Component of the SABG

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Learn about the primary prevention component of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG), and how to successfully apply for and use the funding.

This course provides information on the statutory, regulatory, and programmatic requirements of Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) primary prevention component. Primary prevention is a required component of the SABG. Grantees must spend no less than 20% of their SABG allotment on substance abuse primary prevention strategies.

This course is designed for individuals who are new to the SABG or new to prevention; however, it may also be used as a refresher for anyone who works on the SABG.

Note: During the course, the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant is referred to as both “SABG” and “Block Grant.”

Course Topics

The course includes nine modules that are broken down into three sections. The modules include examples from the field and opportunities to test your knowledge of grant requirements.

Section 1: SABG Statutory and Regulatory Requirements

Learn about the primary prevention component of the SABG and other statutory and regulatory requirements during the first three modules.

Topics include:

  • The purpose of the SABG
  • Compliance requirements for the SABG overall
  • The statutory and regulatory requirements for the SABG primary prevention set-aside

Access modules:

SABG Primary Prevention – 2015

SABG Requirements, Mandatory SABG Allocations, Administration, and Public Comment – 2015

Primary Prevention and the Six Strategies – 2015

Section 2: Primary Prevention Programmatic Requirements

The next two modules provide further detail about the primary prevention programmatic requirements.

Topics include:

  • The six strategies and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Model
  • Problem Identification and Referral vs. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)

Access modules:

The Six Primary Prevention Strategies and the Institute of Medicine Model – 2015

Problem Identification and Referral vs. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment – 2015

Section 3: Prevention Performance and Expenditure Reporting

Learn about primary prevention performance and expenditure reporting in more detail in the final four modules.

Topics include:

  • Reporting planned expenditures
  • Reporting actual expenditures
  • Allocation versus expenditures
  • Block Grant prevention performance reporting, including current National Outcome Measures (NOMs)

Access modules:

Reporting Planned Expenditures in the SABG Plan/Application – 2015

Reporting Actual Expenditures in the SABG Report – 2015

Allocation Versus Expenditures – 2015

Prevention Performance Reporting – 2015

Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/22/2022