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Homelessness Programs and Resources

Learn how SAMHSA programs and resources help prevent and end homelessness among people with mental or substance use disorders. Men, women, youth, and families living with mental or substance use issues may need treatment, case management, and discharge planning in addition to financial support (e.g., employment assistance, Housing First programs, targeted rental/housing subsidies) to avoid or escape homelessness. Being homeless, no matter how long it lasts, is a life-altering traumatic event that creates major stress in any person’s life, regardless of age.

Grant Programs and Services

SAMHSA’s formula and discretionary grant programs support many types of behavioral health treatments and recovery-oriented services. SAMHSA’s services increase access to disability income benefits for eligible adults who are experiencing or at risk for homelessness. Learn more about grant programs and services:

Mental and Substance Use Disorders and Homelessness Resources

Find articles, videos, webinars, and other resources on these and other topics related to preventing and ending homelessness:

Search mental and substance use disorders and homelessness resources by keyword, resource format, and topic.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 10/28/2022