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Event Outcomes and Feedback


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NPW National Prevention Week Save The Date May 7-13 2023

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When planning your National Prevention Week event, consider the outcomes you want to achieve. Setting goals early on will help you measure impact later.

Hosting a successful event is only the half of it. To truly showcase your local successes, you’ll need to measure and document your outcomes and impact, too.

There are many benefits to measuring event outcomes and impact, including:

  • Proving to stakeholders and funders that you’re moving the needle
  • Attracting new partners who can provide support, in-kind and otherwise
  • Laying the groundwork for potential policy changes and shifts
  • Connecting your local efforts to that of SAMHSA’s work, nationally

Positive anecdotes are important, but hard numbers that show progress are key. Learn more about how to collect those numbers, and general best practices for evaluating your event, in our guides.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/14/2022