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Key Terms and Definitions

Learn how to interpret key terms and phrases used in the clinic certification process and the Section 223 demonstration program.

Terms are listed alphabetically. This list is updated periodically as states request more definitions.

Additional definitions are provided on page three of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) certification criteria – 2016 (PDF | 755 KB).

Care coordination partner: Care coordination partners coordinate care across settings and providers to ensure seamless transitions for patients across the full spectrum of health services, including acute, chronic, and behavioral health needs.

To learn more about the entities involved in care coordination and how to coordinate care, review Care Coordination for CCBHCs. For additional information on care coordination in the demonstration program, review Section 223 (a)(2)(C) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) (PL 113-93).

“Directly provides”: When the term “directly provides” is used in the criteria, it means employees or contract employees deliver the service within the management structure and under the direct supervision of the CCBHC.

Evidence-based Practice (EBP): The criteria list multiple examples of EBPs. In addition, each state proposed a number of EBPs in its planning grant applications. States must establish a minimum set of EBPs to be used in every CCBHC within the state. Some communities may require EBPs that have been adapted to best meet the populations that CCBHCs serve. Applications to participate in the demonstration program will be evaluated on their “description and justification of the evidence-based practices that the state has required.”

“Formal arrangements”: The criteria state, “The CCBHC must have staff, either employed or available through formal arrangements, who are credentialed substance abuse specialists.” This means that the CCBHC has the flexibility to enter into a “formal arrangement,” such as a contract, with credentialed substance abuse specialists to provide services within the management structure and under the direct supervision of the CCBHC. Learn about working with a designated collaborating organization (DCO) to provide certain services.

“Minimum set”: As stated in the criteria, the CCBHC must directly provide a “minimum set” of substance abuse outpatient treatment services. This minimum set will be determined through the needs assessment. Learn how to conduct a needs assessment.

This minimum set of outpatient services cannot be provided by a DCO. Therefore, the state must determine what minimum set of evidenced-based outpatient treatment practices all CCBHCs in the state will directly provide in their outpatient services. In addition, states have the flexibility to determine whether additional services beyond the minimum set should be offered. These may vary by CCBHC based on the needs of the consumers served. These additional evidence-based practices can either be provided directly by the CCBHC or by establishing a DCO arrangement.

Rural and urban: Under the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), states determine the definitions of rural and urban. Each state was asked to describe how it would certify clinics in both rural and urban areas. Some states used various definitions to distinguish between the two. States may use any of the federal definitions to distinguish the two. For additional guidance, review information on defining rural from the Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library.

Satellite and other facilities: To provide clarity on the roles of various facilities in the demonstration program, SAMHSA and its federal partners have released definitions of satellite and other facilities – 2016 (PDF | 184 KB).

Severe substance abuse disorder: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) no longer uses the terms substance abuse and substance dependence. Rather, it refers to substance use disorders, which are classified as mild, moderate, or severe. The level of severity is determined by the number of diagnostic criteria met by an individual. The NOFO defines individuals with severe substance abuse disorders as a target group. For facts on common substance use disorders, review substance use disorder information from SAMHSA.

State-sanctioned crisis service system: CCBHCs are required to directly provide crisis behavioral health services unless there is a state-sanctioned, certified or licensed system or network for the provision of crisis behavioral health services that dictates otherwise. The state will determine whether any of the crisis services in the areas served by the CCBHCs meet these criteria and will detail this in its application to be part of the demonstration program.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/22/2022