
The West Point Graduate Scholarship Program is West Point’s official sponsor for cadets competing for prestigious scholarships such as the Rhodes, Marshall, and Fulbright. The Scholarship Program’s curriculum, mentorship, and outreach enable cadets who demonstrate exceptional service, leadership, and scholarship to reach their potential as thoughtful leaders in the Army and for the nation.

The Scholarship Program offers courses for yearlings (sophomores), cows (juniors), and firsties (seniors). Admission to these courses is competitive.

Four women in uniform celebrate their Rhodes Scholarships


  • XH200: Ambition and Hubris (Yearlings)
  • XH300: Purpose (Cows)
  • XH407: Vision and Rhetoric (Firsties)


  • Interested Plebes should consider enrolling in the Center for Enhanced Performance’s RS103.


Scholarship Program cadets receive intensive mentorship from West Point faculty, alumni and friends of the program, and their peers. Mentors help cadets discover how their intellectual passions intersect with the needs of the world.

Students and faculty stand outside a yellow farmhouse
Scholarship cadets in uniform sit with and mentor grade school students in a classroom.


The Scholarship Program extends its influence beyond the cadets enrolled in its courses to the entire West Point community and the world outside West Point’s walls.