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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

FAQ Library

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For E&E and MMIS, how often do the IV&V progress reports have to be submitted to CMS?

At a minimum, quarterly. Depending on the risk of project activity, the state and CMS may agree that more frequent reporting is appropriate. Any frequency greater than quarterly should be captured in the Project Partnership Understanding document.

FAQ ID:95071

When should MMIS and /or E&E milestone reviews be conducted?

Alignment with the state's system development life cycle happens during the Project Initiation phase, specifically during Activity 1: Consult with CMS. The state should incorporate CMS milestone reviews into the state's project schedule. The flexibility is in scheduling, not whether milestone reviews are performed. Decisions made between the state and CMS are documented in the Project Partnership Understanding document and can be updated as needed throughout the life cycle.

FAQ ID:95051

Does the 75 percent FFP apply to program integrity activities associated with eligibility and enrollment?

Verification services that are conducted as part of the eligibility determination process or to validate a client's attestation, after an eligibility record has been entered into the system, will be eligible for 75 percent FFP.

Those verifications performed post eligibility and normally initiated as part of a sampling approach, including audits, PERM or MEQC activities would be considered program integrity activity and eligible for the 50 percent FFP.

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FAQ ID:93716

Does the new mandatory EQR network adequacy validation activity have to be performed by the same EQRO that performs the other mandatory activities?

No. Under section 438.356 of the Final Rule, states can contract with one or more EQROs to conduct EQR activities and other related tasks (such as production of the EQR report).

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FAQ ID:94661

How should a state that has a section 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver that includes individuals in the EPSDT age group and also individuals beyond their 21st birthday address the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)-related services that are now available through the Medicaid state plan?

The ASD-related services for EPSDT eligible individuals (under age 21) must be provided under the Medicaid state plan and not under the 1915(c) waiver. When the state submits the home and community-based services waiver for renewal or amendment, the state should include a restriction under the "limits" section for that specific service indicating that EPSDT-aged individuals are excluded as the services are fully covered in the state plan. ASD-related services for individuals over age 21 may continue to be provided under the 1915(c) waiver.

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FAQ ID:93411

I am looking for a dentist in my area who accepts Medicaid. How can I find one?

Use our dentist locator to find a dentist that accepts Medicaid.

FAQ ID:94526

Can a State claim enhanced FMAP for parents in the new adult group?

Yes, in order to be eligible for enhanced FMAP for "newly eligible" individuals, an individual must be in the new adult group. The adult group is comprised of individuals that could include parents. Specifically, the group is comprised of individuals described in section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Act who beginning January 1, 2014:

  • Are under age 65
  • Are not pregnant
  • Not entitled to/enrolled for benefits under Medicare (Part A and B)
  • Not described in the "(I) to (VII) Groups" (referring to individuals described in section 1902(a)(10)(I) - (VII) of the Act)
  • Whose income is determined using MAGI and does not exceed 133% of the FPL

This list does not preclude parents from being in the adult group, but whether the State can claim enhanced FMAP depends on whether the parents are considered "newly eligible" ; that is, an individual who is not under 19 years of age (or higher age as the State may have elected) and who is not eligible under the State plan or under a waiver of the plan for full benefits or for benchmark coverage or benchmark equivalent coverage under State rules in effect as of December 2009, or is eligible but would not have been enrolled for such benefits or coverage through a waiver under the plan that has a capped or limited enrollment.

Thus, for any parents who are in the adult group because, for example, their income is greater than the income standard for parents in the State's parent/caretaker relative group in January 2014, the State will be able to claim enhanced FMAP if they would not have been eligible under the eligibility criteria in effect under the plan or waiver as of December 1, 2009.

Our proposed rules on this definition were issued in August 2011 (available at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-08-17/html/2011-20756.htm ); final rules are forthcoming. As discussed in the proposed rule, CMS intends to establish a methodology for States to claim enhanced FMAP without having to maintain and apply its December 1, 2009 eligibility rules to each individual.

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FAQ ID:93201

Can a State require Medicaid applicants who are applying to a State Medicaid agency to apply using the single streamlined application and therefore not get screened for a non-MAGI eligibility category?

The single streamlined application will contain questions that are designed to identify individuals who may be eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI. Today, many States use a simplified application that includes questions about disability status or the need for longterm care. The single streamlined application will have similar questions to help identify individuals who may need a Medicaid determination on a basis other than MAGI. Once identified, the individuals would be asked to complete a supplemental application, or a separate application for non-MAGI groups. The application will be developed with State and public input; we will be interested in suggestions on how best to screen for non-MAGI eligibility.

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FAQ ID:93116

Can individuals with disabilities and other long-term care needs (who are not eligible in the mandatory group of SSI beneficiaries) be eligible for coverage under the new Medicaid expansion adult group in 2014?

Yes. People with disabilities or who need long term care services and supports may qualify under the new adult group in 2014 if they meet the MAGI-based eligibility standards for that group. In addition, under the final eligibility and enrollment rule, eligibility for the new adult group based on MAGI does not preclude eligibility for coverage under an optional group that might be otherwise excepted from MAGI methods. Individuals with MAGI-based income up to 133% of the federal poverty level who meet the criteria for the adult group but who need long term services and supports, can choose to enroll in an optional group that better meets their needs, and they can move from the adult group to the optional eligibility group at any time, if eligible. Individuals found eligible for the new adult group based on MAGI, but who appear on the application to be potentially eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than MAGI, will be offered a more thorough eligibility determination so that they can have this option.

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FAQ ID:93161

Can the Marketplace determine Medicaid eligibility for non-MAGI groups?

If the Marketplace is a government entity, States will have the option to enable their State-based Exchange to make Medicaid eligibility determinations for non-MAGI eligibility groups. Depending on the arrangements made in each State, such an Exchange can make all Medicaid eligibility determinations, only eligibility determinations based on MAGI, or assessments of eligibility based on MAGI. The FFE will not be making Medicaid eligibility determinations for non-MAGI groups; the FFE will either do final determinations or assessments for the MAGI eligibility groups.

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FAQ ID:93091

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