Environmental Certification, Licenses and Permits

Certification required for entities intending to perform, supervise, advertise, claim to provide or supervise a regulated asbestos activity, including asbestos abatement, removal or disturbance, air sampling, inspection and bulk sampling, and asbestos management activities. Exemption for...

Certification for a person who determines the presence and location of, and assesses the condition of friable or nonfriable asbestos containing materials (ACM) or suspected ACM by visual examination and by collecting samples of the materials.

Initial certification for a person who determines the presence and location of, and assess the condition of, friable or nonfriable asbestos containing materials (ACM) or suspected ACM by visual examination and by collecting samples of the materials.

Certification for a person who develops a plan to manage asbestos in a building and makes recommendations for the best response actions to be taken to manage asbestos containing materials (ACM) in the building.

Certification for a person who develops a plan to manage asbestos in a building and makes recommendations for the best response actions to be taken to manage asbestos containing materials (ACM) in the building.

Approval for an individual certified in an appropriate discipline to instruct and manage an accredited asbestos training class.

Certification for a person who plans and designs asbestos abatement projects or operations and maintenance (O&M) activities in schools and other facilities.

Certification for a person who plans and designs asbestos abatement projects or operations and maintenance (O&M) activities in schools and other facilities.

Certification for a person to conduct or provide direct onsite supervision of abatement activity or function as an air sampling professional and has the authority to require changes in performance practices or to halt a project.

Certification for a person to conduct or provide direct onsite supervision of abatement activity or function as an air sampling professional and has the authority to require changes in performance practices or halt a project.

Certification for a person to perform asbestos abatement activities under the direct onsite supervision of a certified supervisor.

Certification for a person to perform asbestos abatement activities under the direct supervision of a certified supervisor.

Notification to Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) of regulated asbestos activities that involve abatement of any amount of non-friable asbestos containing materials (ACM) more than one waste bag, or amount of friable ACM below the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) threshold for...

Certification required for entities intending to perform, supervise, advertise, claim to provide or supervise a regulated exterior asbestos activity, including asbestos abatement, removal or disturbance, air sampling, inspection and bulk sampling, inspection and bulk sampling, and asbestos...

A person trained and certified to conduct or oversee exterior asbestos projects that disturb non-friable asbestos-containing materials on building exteriors, and has the authority to require changes in performance practices or to halt the project, and who may collect bulk samples to ascertain...

Certification for a person to conduct exterior asbestos abatement under the direct onsite supervision of a certified supervisor where non-friable asbestos-containing materials are removed or distributed and remain non-friable throughout the project.

Certification to conduct lead hazard screening, risk assessment, lead-safe investigation or clearance activities, or provide options to reduce specific lead hazards but does not use an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer or conduct lead inspections.

An individual certified to conduct lead-free inspection, lead inspection or clearance activities.

Approval for an individual certified in an appropriate discipline to instruct and manage an accredited lead training class.

Certification for an individual to design lead abatement projects and write occupant protection plans or abatement reports.

Certification for an individual to conduct lead investigation activities, including inspection, risk assessments, lead-safe and lead-free inspections, hazard screens and clearances.

Certification for an individual to perform clearance for non-abatement projects or assist a lead hazard investigator, inspector or risk assessor in conducting other lead investigation activities.

Certification for an entity to perform, supervise, advertise, or claim to provide or supervise a lead hazard reduction or lead investigation activity.

Certification for an individual to perform lead-safe renovation activities in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities.

Last Revised: June 16, 2022