Give for Kids

You have the power to change a life. The AAP is dedicated to the health of all children and the pediatric professionals who care for them. Your gift today makes that possible.

Donate Now

Our Programs

Friends of Children Fund
Support vital Academy efforts meeting the needs of children through education, research, community service, and advocacy programs.
Tomorrow's Children Endowment
Support efforts to confront the challenges that children, pediatricians, medical subspecialists, and surgical specialists will face in the future.
Disaster Recovery Fund
Support pediatricians and the children they serve as a result of natural or man-made disasters anywhere in the world.

Ways to Give

Set Up a Monthly Giving Plan
A recurring gift is simple to set up and can enhance your support of child health.
Honor a Person You Care About
A gift to honor or remember a special family member, friend, or colleague will support the AAP mission for kids.
Use Your Donor-Advised Fund
Consider a gift for kids when planning your charitable giving. The AAP is a qualified 501(c)3 charitable organization for your donor-advised fund giving.
Include the AAP in Your Will
Including the AAP in your will ensures support for child health in the future.
Become a Corporate Partner
Advance child health and wellness with a trusted voice for children.

What my gift can do for children

"Giving to the Friends of Children Fund is so rewarding to me because actually get to see the results of my giving – every day."

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Your Gift Matters

Donating $75

Provides better care for children by supporting child health resources for 10 subscribers. 

Donating $150

Saves newborn lives by funding a training course for a birth attendant in a high infant mortality region. 

Donating $325

Supports learning with access to an education session for one pediatric trainee. 

Donating $500

Supports emerging professionals by providing for a pediatric resident experiencing financial hardship. 

FYI: Did you know that your gift is eligible for a 100% tax deduction under the CARES Act legislation? The CARES Act tax incentives were extended, and with a small boost. Click here for more information on what this means for you.

Donate Now

*These examples are for illustrative purposes only. 

Contact Us

To learn more, contact Donor Services or call 888-700-5378, Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm Central. Mail your gift to AAP Development, PO Box 776437, Chicago, IL 60677-6437.