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November ACD Meeting Featured a Trio of Proposals

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

The NIH Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) discussed a new framework for peer review criteria, NIH-supported postdoctoral training, and alternative methods to advance biomedical research.

Noni Byrnes, Ph.D., Director, Center for Scientific Review

NIAID Releases RFA for International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

Help us improve understanding of malaria pathogenesis, epidemiology, and transmission, as well as evaluate, optimize, and inform development of interventions to understand, control, eliminate, and eventually eradicate malaria.

Participate in the Cooperative Centers on Human Immunology Program

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

Conduct research on human immune system regulation and function to discover and characterize new principles of human immunology for preventing and treating infectious diseases, immune-mediated pathogenesis, and immune-mediated diseases.

Dr. Anthony Fauci to Leave NIAID at the End of December

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

At the end of this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID, will step down from the role he’s held since 1984.

Novel Fellowship Opportunity to Open for Applications Soon

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

NIH Medical Scientist Partnership Program scholars will complete their clinical degree training at their desired clinical degree school and conduct the PhD portion of their training in research laboratories in the NIH Intramural Research Program.

Provide Input on Clinical Research Infrastructure and Emergency Clinical Trials

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

Recognizing lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new request for information solicits feedback on how to strengthen the capacity of clinical trial infrastructure and emergency trials.

Federal Financial Reports Are Serious Business

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

Grantees must complete a Federal Financial Report either annually or at the end of an award’s project period, as determined by whether the grant is under the streamlined noncompeting award process.

Name-Dropping Does Not Impress Peer Reviewers

Funding News Edition: December 07, 2022

Your application is not improved by identifying scientists who aren't significantly advising or participating in your proposed project, and you may inadvertently create conflicts of interest for peer review.

Remember to Register, Review, and Update Records at

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

Those conducting an NIH-funded clinical trial must promptly update study records, including updates in the recruitment status or study completion date(s), made no later than within 30 days of the occurrence.

Radiology Imaging at the NIH Clinical Center

Apply to Integrated Preclinical/Clinical AIDS Vaccine Development Program

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

NIAID's initiative will fund a multidisciplinary consortium with expertise in vaccinology, animal models, molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, manufacturing, and adjuvant biology.

Don’t Overlook Career Development Award for HIV/AIDS Scholars

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

Each award will provide 3 years of support for intensive research career development under a mentorship team with expertise in preclinical application of nonhuman primate HIV/AIDS models and translation of the results to clinical application in humans.

NIH Posts Resources in Preparation for FORMS-H Transition

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

For applications due on or after January 25, 2023, you must use the FORMS-H application form set rather than the FORMS-G application form set.

New Option to Bypass Viewing Window for Administrative Supplements

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

To expedite processing of eligible administrative supplement requests, NIH now offers an option for signing officials to bypass the standard 2-business day application viewing window.

Get the Latest News on NIAID’s New Data Science Website

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

The refreshed website will help foster a transdisciplinary community of biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and computational scientists working to accelerate research in NIAID's mission areas.

Research Needs Should Motivate No-Cost Extensions

Funding News Edition: November 16, 2022

Within a no-cost extension (NCE), your project’s originally approved scope cannot change. That means you may not use an NCE to pursue a new line of investigation at the twilight of a project period.

Small Businesses—Set Your Sights on Phase III

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

Though NIAID does not fund small businesses directly for commercialization, our aim is to set up small businesses for later success during the earlier phases of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.

prototype of a smart bandage equipped with temperature and pH sensors

New Funding Opportunity Focuses on Immunity in Older Adults

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

Apply if you can develop mechanistic insights into innate and adaptive immune function changes that occur during the aging process in humans.

Discover Therapeutics to Eliminate HBV cccDNA From Infected Cells

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

Help NIAID advance research to identify new antivirals that can eliminate hepatitis B virus (HBV) and covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) from infected cells to effect a functional cure.

New NOSI Stimulates Research Targeting Pathogens Within the Arthropod Vector

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

Our notice of special interest (NOSI) aims to stimulate multidisciplinary research that targets the pathogen within the invertebrate host to prevent its transmission to the vertebrate host.

More Interim Paylines and Budget News for Fiscal Year 2023

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

An interim payline is an administrative measure that allows us get some top-scoring grants out the door while we wait for our appropriation.

November 17 Deadline for Loan Repayment Program Applications

Funding News Edition: November 02, 2022

NIAID participates in four Loan Repayment Programs, specifically those for clinical research, pediatric research, health disparities research, and research in emerging areas critical to human health.

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