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Practitioner Contact Information Update

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Get instructions on updating practitioner waiver contact information.

Update Practitioner Contact Information

To update the information for your practitioner buprenorphine waiver (Notice of Intent or NOI), complete the Update Practitioner Contact Information form.

It is critical that all information pertaining to your practice is current. It is recommended that practitioners review their information periodically and update as necessary to ensure its accuracy.

In order to access your electronic buprenorphine waiver, you will need to enter the following information, which must match your information currently on record:

  • The state in which you are licensed to practice
  • Your state medical license number
  • Your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registration number

Please note you will not be able to update your DEA number when updating your practitioner profile. To update your DEA number, send a copy of your new DEA card to, for SAMHSA to update your record.

Once, you have entered your profile, you can edit your information. Please ensure your information is complete as there may now be additional questions, which were not included in your initial waiver application, such as:

  • List me on the locator
  • Accepting new patients
  • Professional discipline
  • The location that you service is/is not a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
  • Three questions referring to injectable/implantable

If you are a qualifying practitioner, other than a physician, and your state requires you to have supervising or collaborating practitioner, you can enter that information as well.

If you prescribe at more than one service address, you must add all service addresses to your profile by clicking “add additional addresses.”

After you have updated or added your information, click on the update button to save your information.

If you have problems submitting changes or questions, contact SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Buprenorphine Information Center at 1-866-BUP-CSAT (1-866-287-2728) or send an email to

Last Updated

Last Updated: 04/21/2022