Emergency Preparedness

Weather Emergency Preparedness and Recovery

Are You Aware and Prepared?

Think about what you would do if a bad storm, chemical spill, outbreak of flu, or an act of terrorism put you in danger. Would you know how to help yourself and your family?

Each of us can take steps to reduce our risk in any kind of emergency. Plan to be prepared so you can stay safe. Use this web site as a guide.

For Families and Individuals

The Information for Families, Individuals, and Caregivers section provides information for parents, people with special needs, pregnant women and others. You can also find fact sheets about natural disasters, like floods or ice storms. You can find out what you need to know about man-made emergencies like a chemical spill or terrorist attack, too.

For Health Care Providers

If you are a health care provider the Information for Health Care Providers site has tools and resources to help guide your response to a health emergency. This includes information you can share with your patients as well as materials to help your practice or facility be ready for an emergency.

Together we can take steps to be more aware and better prepared. Make sure New Yorkers are ready when the next disaster happens. Take time to make a plan now!