COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease)

COVID-19 is a communicable, respiratory disease that can cause severe illness in some people. COVID-19 is easily spread from person to person through respiratory droplets and aerosol particles released by people with COVID-19 during coughing, sneezing, singing, talking, and breathing.

Since 2019, the spread of COVID-19 has had a devastating impact around the world and across our state. However, with high levels of vaccination and widespread population immunity, the risk of severe COVID-19 disease, hospitalization, and death has been greatly reduced. We all need to continue to take steps to protect our communities and prevent COVID-19 from straining our health care systems.


Stay up to date with your vaccines.


Access free COVID-19 Telehealth Treatment.


Information on COVID-19

Learn how to protect yourself and others from serious illness, find the support you need, and stay up to date on ways to stop the spread in your community.

An adult pointing to vaccination site
Get a vaccine

Get the facts on the COVID-19 vaccine, including how to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.

Gloved hand holding a nasal swab for COVID-19

See basic information on COVID-19 testing, including when to get a test, how to get a test, and what to expect.

Four adults standing outdoors
How to Treat COVID-19

Learn about COVID-19 treatments and how to access free antiviral treatments.

Map of Wisconsin with county outlines
COVID-19 data

Get the latest statistics, learn how our data is collected, and more.


COVID-19 adult pouring hand sanitizer in a child's hand
What to know about COVID-19

Know the symptoms of COVID-19 and next steps after you are exposed or diagnosed.

Young family shopping for groceries
Staying safe in your community

Learn the steps you should take to protect yourself and your community against COVID-19.

Two adults wearing masks, one with a backpack

Learn what you need to know before you travel and see frequently asked questions.

Two adults in safety vests and hardhats looking at a tablet
Guidance for the workplace

Find resources for businesses, employers, and employees.


A doctor talking to an older adult, both wearing masks
Guidance for health care partners

Get helpful COVID-19 guidance and resources, specifically developed for health care partners. Find the guidance you need by health care setting.

Close up of adults and child wearing bike helmets
Keeping Wisconsin kids healthy

Children and teens are at risk for serious COVID-19 illness and can spread the virus to others—even if they don’t have symptoms. But with the COVID-19 vaccine, you can protect the kids in your life wherever they live, play, and learn.


Safely get back to the people and experiences you love.

Two adults and two children outside

Close up of an adult on a laptop

Program updates and impacts

ForwardHealth programs

Access health, nutrition, and caretaking services. ForwardHealth brings together a variety of health care, nutritional and caretaker programs and resources, making it easier for members to improve health outcomes. Browse the full list of programs.

Other DHS programs

The Department of Health Services offers a wide range of programs that can help you overcome the impacts of COVID-19. Learn about specific programs.

Last Revised: December 7, 2022

211 Wisconsin

Call 211 or 877-947-2211 to get referrals for thousands of services across Wisconsin. For COVID-19 questions, text COVID to 211-211. Language assistance is available.

Resilient Wisconsin

Get help learning how to manage stress and adapt to change with services and support from organizations across the state.

Helpful resources

Find help with housing, income, food, employment, health care, mental health concerns, safety at home, and more—in multiple languages.