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Visit ONAP's COVID-19 Recovery Programs webpage to view Waivers, Program Notices and Guidance and Training Materials related to IHBG-CARES, ICDBG-CARES, IHBG-ARP and ICDBG-ARP.

The Office of Native American Programs is working tirelessly to support all of our Tribal housing partners as we deal with the impact of COVID-19 as a Nation. The safety and security of Native American families, Tribal housing staff, and all in Indian Country is our top priority. For more information and resources related to COVID-19, please visit: www.hud.gov/coronavirus

Section 184/184A Home Loan Guarantee Updates

ONAP releases the proposed rule for the Section 184 program and is holding tribal consultations on the proposed rule in December and January.  For more information visit our Tribal Consultation webpage

Dear Lender Letter - 2022-06: Skilled Workers Demonstration

Attachment: Use Agreement

The FY 2022 closeout process is now complete.  We are pleased to announce that on October 12, 2022, ONAP opened the Section 184 program for FY 2023 and is processing requests for case numbers, cohort numbers, and Loan Guarantee Certificates.  Any requests received during the closeout period will be prioritized by the date of the request – with the oldest request being processed first

A  full listing of Dear Lender Letters can be found at: OLG Dear Lender Letters.  For any questions about these resources, please contact the Office of Loan Guarantee at OLGINFO@hud.gov

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ONAP regularly sends out updates via our CODETALK listserve to notify subscribers of recent updates to our webpage, webinars, policy changes, and time sensitive information.  Sign up today if you'd like to be notified of current housing updates. 

REMINDER! Census Challenges for the FY 2024 IHBG Needs data must be submitted no later than March 30, 2023, for consideration for the FY 2024 IHBG formula allocation estimates.

Indian Housing Block Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions Published

Please visit the Indian Housing Block Grant program website to view FAQs.

Section 184 Skilled Workers Program

On November 29, 2022, the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) issued Dear Lender Letter 2022-06, which implemented the Section 184 Skilled Workers Demonstration Program (Demonstration). The Demonstration allows Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) to utilize Section 184 Indian Home Loans to build new housing for skilled workers in and outside of Indian Country. Many Tribes are unable to attract skilled workers to live and work in their communities, primarily due to community remoteness and/or lack of available housing. Housing constructed with the Demonstration loan may be single units or up to a maximum of four attached units (a four-plex). To incentivize participation in the Demonstration, the Section 184 Upfront Fee is reduced to $1 and the Annual Guarantee fee is waived for the life of the loan. For more details, please see Dear Lender Letter 2022-06 here.

HUD Announces Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee

To further strengthen the relationships with Tribal nations, HUD has formed its first Tribal Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (TIAC).  The TIAC consists of fifteen (15) duly elected Tribal leaders and HUD leadership that will meet to discuss the impacts of HUD programs and policies. The TIAC’s work will not replace Tribal consultation, but rather serve as a supplement to help inform HUD policy formulation. The TIAC announcement in the Federal Register can be found here.  The Press Release can be found here.

HUD Issues Four Additional Waivers Related to Build America, Buy America Act

HUD recently published four additional waivers in the Federal Register related to the Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference (BAP).  The waivers can be found here and here.  The BAP is part of the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) that was included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in November 2021.  BABA requires that infrastructure projects funded with Federal Financial Assistance use iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials that are produced in the United States.  However, Federal agencies also have the authority to issue waivers if in the public interest.

Under the four new waivers, the BAP will not apply:

  1. to infrastructure projects whose total cost is an amount equal to or less than the Simplified acquisition threshold, which is currently $250,000;
  2. for all Small Grants of Federal Financial Assistance that are equal to or below $250,000;
  3. for Minor Components of an infrastructure project, such that a cumulative total of no more than a total of 5 percent of the total cost of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in and incorporated into the infrastructure project, up to a maximum of $1 million; and
  4. in exigent circumstances where life, safety and property could be negatively impacted due to the amount of time needed to secure BAP compliant materials.

As a reminder, HUD previously issued a general applicability waiver that delays the applicability of the requirements of BABA for Tribes and TDHEs that are recipients of HUD programs until at least May 14, 2023 (please see Notice here).  HUD is working with its partner Federal agencies to review and consider all Tribal feedback provided during Tribal consultation on BABA and will provide additional information on the applicability of BABA on Tribes and TDHEs in the near future.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

This Federal Communications Commission program, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, allows tens of millions of American households to reduce their internet service costs by up to $75/month on Tribal lands. The ACP also provides up to a $100 per household discount toward a one-time purchase of a computer, laptop, or tablet if the household contributes more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase through a participating broadband provider. Enrollment is open now, and it’s easy to apply. Find out if your household or that of a family member or friend is eligible at https://www.affordableconnectivity.gov/. 

White House Tribal Nations Summit

The White House has announced the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit, which will be on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the Department of the Interior in Washington, DC.  Here is a statement about the Summit from the White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre.  Please register for the 2022 White House Tribal Nations Summit by Monday, November 14th, 2022. Due to limited capacity, the Summit can only accommodate one governmental representative per Tribe.  Tribal leaders register here: wh.gov/TribalNationsSummit.

Additional information will be announced in the coming days. Questions related to the Tribal Nations Summit can be directed to:  TNS@who.eop.gov

Dear Tribal Leader- Tribal Consultation – Indian Community Development Block Grant – Imminent Threat Grant Ceilings and General Programmatic Improvements

Dear Tribal Leader Letter- Indian Housing Block Grant Competitive Program – Extension of the Application Deadline for the Notice of Funding Opportunity

On September 30, 2022, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Technical Correction to the FY 2022 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program. As a result, applicants now have until 11:59:59 EDT on January 24, 2023, to submit applications via grants.gov. View Letter

Treasury provides updates to FAQs on the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 

The U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) has released updates to the frequently asked questions (FAQs) of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Final Rule, authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

This update includes a number of new and revised FAQs. Treasury is specifically highlighting revisions to FAQs 2.14 and 4.9, which enable state, local, and tribal governments to use SLFRF funds for the full value (including the principal) of long-term affordable housing loans including low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) loans, and expands presumptively eligible uses for affordable housing. Specifically for Tribal governments, affordable housing projects are eligible uses of SLFRF funds if they would be eligible for funding under the Indian Housing Block Grant program, the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Program.

Alongside this guidance, Treasury is releasing an Affordable Housing How-To Guide, a simplified summary of SLFRF guidance on affordable housing and examples of how recipients can layer funds with federal resources.

Details for webinar briefings on the final rule FAQs, including one specifically on the topic of affordable housing development, will be forthcoming in the following weeks. Treasury will update the final rule FAQs periodically in response to questions received from stakeholders. For overall information about the program, please see The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds website. For general questions, please email SLFRF@treasury.gov.

Program Guidance 2022-01 - Income Limits for the IHBG program under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA)

This guidance replaces Program Guidance 2021-01 and provides the latest Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Income Limits applicable to the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program.

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Tribal Playbook: A roadmap for delivering opportunity and investments in Indian Country

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides more than $13 billion in funding to directly support Tribal communities and makes Tribes eligible to apply for or request billions in discretionary, formula, and other funding. In total, this funding represents the single largest investment in Tribal infrastructure ever. This funding will deploy record investments to provide affordable high-speed internet, safer roads and bridges, modern wastewater and sanitation systems, clean drinking water, reliable and affordable electricity, and good paying jobs in every Tribal community. To help Tribal applicants navigate the full range of funds both available to Tribal Nations and set aside for their communities, this playbook provides an overview of the “what, when, where, and how” to apply for funds.

Treasury’s ERA Reporting page for Tribes, TDHEs, and DHHL

Fiscal Year 2023 President’s Budget and HUD Strategic Plan Released

On March 28, 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2023. The President’s Budget requests $71.9 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  The Budget In Brief can be found here. ONAP’s programs can be found on pages 9 and 12.

Also, HUD’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026 has been released. The Strategic Plan can be found here.

Dear Tribal Leader Letter - Introducing ONAP’s new Tribal Climate Resilience and Adaptation Website

ONAP has created a Tribal climate resilience and adaptation website specifically for Tribes. The site pulls together tools and resources that are tailored to Tribes, including maps, data sets, and adaptation plans. It also includes information on Federal funding that supports Tribes addressing climate change, as well as case studies. As a reminder, technical assistance is available to achieve your climate planning and adaptation activities. Please reach out to your Area ONAP Office to submit your request.

Regulatory and Administrative Requirement Flexibilities Available to Native American Programs During CY 2022 and CY 2023 to Tribal Grantees To Assist With Recovery and Relief Efforts on Behalf of Families Affected by Presidentially Declared Disasters

This notification advises the public of waivers and flexibilities from HUD requirements for its Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG), Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG), and Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) grantees located in areas that are covered by Presidentially Declared Disasters (PDDs).

Dear Tribal Leader Letter - Introducing GEMS: A Streamlined Approach to Grant Administration

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