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Program Releases

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issues program releases to states and drug manufacturers participating in the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program. To find prior releases by topic, please use the "Keyword Search" function below.

To further refine your search, we have also posted a Division of Pharmacy Releases Index, which is a compilation of all the State and Manufacturer Releases topics from 1991 to Present. Please download a copy for your reference.

If you have any questions regarding the states and/or drug manufacturer releases, please email MDROperations@cms.hhs.gov.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this web page does not bind or obligate the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  The statements included on this web page are intended to provide information on Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Releases and do not in any way revise or modify the requirements set forth in Section 1927 of the Act, the national drug rebate agreement (NDRA), or regulations.

Page Last Updated on June 10, 2021 

Showing 1 to 10 of 326 results

State Release 190

Keywords: Medicaid, Data

Manufacturer Release 116

Keywords: VBP, value-based purchasing arrangement, best price, multiple best price, gross net unit price, GNUP, pay-over-time, 340B, Part B, average sales price, ASP

State Release 189

Keywords: VBP, value-based purchasing arrangement, best price, multiple best price, gross net unit price, GNUP, pay-over-time, 340B, Part B, average sales price, ASP

Manufacturer Release 115

Keywords: Line Extension, Interest, State Utilization Adjustments, Unit Rebate Amounts, URA, Prior Period Adjustments, PPA, Manufacturer Contact Information, System Access Requirements, CMS-367d, Resource Mailbox

State Release 188

Keywords: State Pharmacy Assistance Programs, SPAP, Interest, State Utilization Adjustments, Unit Rebate Amounts, URA, Prior Period Adjustments, PPA, State Contact Information, System Access Requirements, CMS-368, Line Extension, Resource Mailbox

Manufacturer Release 114

Keywords: Importation, Drug Importation, Covered Outpatient Drug, SIP Drugs, Prescription Drugs

Manufacturer Release 112

Keywords: Authorized generic, Average Manufacturer Price (AMP), Blended AMP, Manufacturer, Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, Wholesaler
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