Adolescent Health in Wisconsin

Protecting and promoting the health and safety of Wisconsin's adolescents

Our program

Mission: To support the wellbeing, growth, and safety of Wisconsin teens and promote adolescence as a unique stage of life where youth forge a sense of who they are and who they aspire to be.

Systems and resources: The Wisconsin Adolescent Health Program aims to build systems where all young people can grow, thrive, and be healthy. We build these systems by cultivating diverse partnerships, connecting and aligning organizations and resources with shared goals, and working through an anti-oppression lens.

We center continuous quality improvement and recognize that this work is just beginning. In addition to building systems, we commit to transforming those that are dysfunctional and discriminatory, centering youth voice, and establishing equitable, trusting partnerships with those who do this work.

Adolescent health gears: Systems and resources, experience and relationships, and individual skills and knowledge.

Experiences and relationships: The Wisconsin Adolescent Health Program fosters healthy experiences, relationships, and communities of positive youth-adult partnerships. Guided by the positive youth development framework, the program aims to create a sense of community connectedness and provide unique spaces for youth to lead and learn.

Individual skills and knowledge: The Wisconsin Adolescent Health Program aims to educate young people to make healthy decisions, enhance goal setting-skills, build resilience, increase self-efficacy, and make connections with supportive peers and community resources through participation in funded activities.

Learn more about the adolescent health programming that supports the health and well-being of youth across Wisconsin.

Youth engagement is a key part of the Wisconsin Adolescent Health Program. Learn more about involving youth in planning and making decisions that affect them.

Teens, take charge of your health. Learn more about your annual well visit check-up with your provider.



Did you know, in Wisconsin...

Nearly 1 in 5 Wisconsin students (19.9%) reported that at least once in their lives, someone had forced them to do sexual things that they did not want to do (2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance).

Sexual assault can be prevented.

Victims are never to blame.

Get involved! Check out the DHS Sexual Violence Prevention webpage for more information.

Last Revised: December 8, 2022