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Reporting Standard Occupational Classification codes is now required

Updated Dec. 1, 2022

SOC is a federal coding system that helps government agencies and private businesses compare occupational data. All employers are now required to report SOC codes when they submit their quarterly tax reports starting with their fourth quarter 2022 report.

But don’t worry! We’re here to help.

See the SOC page on our website.

Register for a Jan. 23 webinar.

View a recorded webinar and the …


Do you file unemployment tax reports? Upgrade to our latest version of EAMS.

Updated Dec. 12, 2022


If you file unemployment tax reports, you need to upgrade to the latest version of the Employer Account Management Services (EAMS) system before you file your fourth quarter tax report.

If you’re eligible to upgrade, you’ll see an upgrade alert after logging in. We are gradually making this upgrade available to all customers in time to file fourth quarter reports.

It’s easy:

Log …


Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program status 

Last updated August 10, 2022


The TAA program expired on June 30, 2022. Congress has not renewed the program. We will provide status updates on program renewal here.

Check out this list of certified TAA petitions in Washington state.


Can companies or individuals still file new TAA petitions?

Until further notice, the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) will not issue any determinations and accept any new TAA petitions. Requests …