Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS) Statistics and Publications

WCRS Cancer Statistics


Generate customized maps, graphs, and tables of Wisconsin cancer incidence or mortality rates.

Guide for using WCRS data in Cancer-Rates.info Data Query Program P-02203 (PDF) (July 2018)

Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH) Cancer Module

Chart showing Wisconsin cancer incidence rates by gender


Generate data tables of Wisconsin cancer incidence, mortality, and stage at diagnosis.


SEER*Stat Software to Analyze Wisconsin Mortality Data

The National Cancer Institute SEER Program provides free software (SEER*Stat) and tutorials that can be used for the standard analysis and reporting of cancer mortality statistics.

WCRS Publications

Association of Census-Tract Poverty Level and Early Stage Cancer Diagnosis in Wisconsin, 2012-2016, P-02537 (PDF) (December 2019)

Trends in Thyroid Cancer in Wisconsin and the U.S., 1995-2016, P-02543 (PDF) (December 2019)

Increasing Rates of Uterine Cancer in Wisconsin, P-02387 (PDF) (March 2019)

Wisconsin Northwestern Counties with Apparent Low Cancer Incidence Rates Due to Underreporting of Cancer Cases Treated at Minnesota Facilities, P-00243 (PDF) (Revised March 2019)

Changing Incidence in Lung Cancer Among Women in Wisconsin: Emerging Trends from the WCRS, P-02329 (PDF) (January 2019)

Death Rates for Lung Cancer by Urbanization of County of Residence, United States and Wisconsin, 2006-2016, P-02330 (PDF) (January 2019)

Leading Causes of Death by Race and Ethnicity in Wisconsin, 2011-2015, P-02252 (PDF) (September 2018)

Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) American Indian/Alaskan Native Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Wisconsin, 1995-2016/2017:

Cervical Cancer in Wisconsin, P-00379 (PDF) (updated January 2018)

Racial and Ethnic Cancer Disparities Fact Sheet, P-01794 (PDF) (May 2017)

Wisconsin Cancer Survival, P-01585 (PDF) (September 2016)

2016 Wisconsin Facts and Figures, P-01573 (August 2016)

Wisconsin Pediatric Cancer Report: Cancer in Children and Adolescents, P-01563 (PDF) (August 2016)

Understanding the Changing Trajectories of Cancer and Heart Disease Mortality in Wisconsin, P-01058 (PDF) (July 2015)

American Cancer Society and WCRS: Wisconsin Cancer Facts and Figures, 2013-14 (PDF) (January 2013)

Journal Publications

Foote M, Strickland R, Lucas-Pipkorn S, Williamson A, Lamers L. The High Burden of Cancer Among American Indians/Alaska Natives in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Medical Journal, February, 2016;115 (1);11-16.

Foote M. How the WCRS Data Quality Taskforce Started a Cancer Information Management Education Program in Wisconsin. Journal of Registry Management, June 2015. (PDF)

Foote M. Comprehensive Cancer Control Surveillance Brief: Trends in Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates in Wisconsin, 1995-2010, December 2014. (PDF)

Jones N, Williamson, A, Foote M, et al. Cancer Health Disparities Persist Among African Americans in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Medical Journal 2010; 109(5); 267-273. (PDF)

Walsh MC, Trentham-Dietz A, Schroepfer TA, Reding DJ, Campbell B, Foote ML, Kaufman S, Barrett M, Remington PL, Cleary JF. Cancer information sources used by patients to inform and influence treatment decisions. Journal of Health Communication. 2010 Jun;15 (4):445-63.

National Publications and Statistics

U.S. Cancer Statistics (USCS)
National Program of Cancer Registries releases data through the Cancer Incidence and Mortality Data report to public health planners, monitors the burden of cancer and implements cancer prevention and control programs.

CDC Wonder
The CDC Wonder online query system produces age-adjusted and crude rates in tabular, map, and chart formats. Variables include year of diagnosis, state, region or division of the U.S., sex, race, ethnicity, age, primary site, and childhood cancer.

CDC U.S. State Cancer Facts
The State Cancer Facts application provides state-specific cancer data. Variables include the estimated number of new cases, deaths, and the age-adjusted mortality rates by race.

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) Cancer in North America (CINA)
The annual CINA report provides cancer incidence and mortality statistics for the U.S. and Canada and serves as the foundation for such publications as the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts & Figures and the U.S. Annual Report to the Nation.

National Cancer Institute CI*Rank
The CI*Rank website presents ranked, age-adjusted cancer incidence and mortality rates by state, county, and special region in the U.S. The site also presents confidence intervals for those ranks.

Other helpful data resources:

Last Revised: November 1, 2021