Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity

We want to hear from you!

Are you part of a coalition working on food, nutrition, physical activity, breastfeeding, and/or health and wellness? We are asking coalitions from across Wisconsin to take this brief survey to tell us about your priorities and challenges. The information gathered will be used by the Chronic Disease Prevention Program to better understand and support the needs of coalitions in Wisconsin.


Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program provides statewide leadership to decrease overweight and obesity, increase physical activity, and improve nutrition.

Located in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Program and its partners have historically developed and implemented the Wisconsin Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity State Plan to accomplish the overall goal of preventing obesity and chronic disease statewide, and more recently developed the Wisconsin Physical Activity and Nutrition Road Map (P-03170) (PDF) to serve and support Wisconsin communities and their efforts to create healthier places and spaces that center equity and support optimal health.

Five out of Ten People

Little more than 5 out of 10 Wisconsin adults meet the physical activity recommendation of at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week.

SOURCE: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2011-13.

1 of 6 apples

Only 1 out of 6 adults meet the recommended consumption of five or more fruits and vegetables a day.

SOURCE: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2015.

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Wisconsin Chronic Disease Prevention Program

The Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program works in a variety of settings to provide resources that can be used locally. Through materials and training workshops, the program emphasizes changing the setting environment to provide access and opportunities for people to eat well and be active. Primary settings include communities, early care and education, schools, and worksites.

The program also works with statewide partners to coordinate efforts for more impact. Partners include other state agencies, key statewide organizations, and local coalitions.

Program Information includes: Overview, Reports and Data, and healthTIDE Partnership.

Road Map includes: Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Breastfeeding Strategies

Public Resources include: A-Z Topic List, Tools and Calculators, and How-to Materials.

Professional Resources include: Program Materials, Toolkits, and Coalition Information.


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     Program Information



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     Road Map



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     Public Resources



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Comments or suggestions?

If you liked the site or couldn't find something you were looking for, let us know. We will try to update the site to meet the needs of our audience.

Thank you for your input.

Last Revised: November 16, 2022