Population Estimates

The Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Health Informatics, produces mid-year population estimates for the counties and state of Wisconsin by age and sex categories for non-Census years. Estimates are used to calculate population-based health statistics. (Estimates for age and sex categories may not sum to totals shown due to rounding.)

Population data for Wisconsin are also available through the WISH data query system.


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Please Note: 2014 population estimates for the state, DHS regions, and counties of Wisconsin were posted on September 17, 2015 (see links below). Estimates for 1989-2014 are also available as a Excel single spreadsheet, with a separate tab for each year.

Statewide and regional estimates

Statewide: Wisconsin

DHS Regions: Northern / Northeastern / Southern / Southeastern / Western

County estimates

Questions about the data? Contact us.

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Last Revised: November 23, 2022