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Statewide Transition Plans

This table provides all available documents related to Statewide Transition Plans (STP), along with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) determinations of heightened scrutiny reviews. The table is updated as states and the CMS submit additional documents. View more information about the STPs and the final Home and Community Based Services(HCBS)regulation.
State STP Status STP Documents Heightened Scrutiny Documents
Alabama Initial Approval3

Final Approval4

Arizona Initial Approval3

Final Approval4

California Initial Approval3
Colorado Initial Approval3

Final Approval4

Delaware Final Approval4
District of Columbia Final Approval4
Florida Initial Approval3
Georgia Initial Approval3
Hawaii Final Approval4
Idaho Final Approval4
Illinois CMIA2
Indiana Initial Approval3
Iowa Initial Approval3
Kansas Initial Approval3
Kentucky Final Approval4
Louisiana Initial Approval3
Maine CMIA2
Maryland Initial Approval3
Massachusetts CMIA2
Michigan Initial Approval3
Minnesota Final Approval4
Mississippi Initial Approval3
Missouri Final Approval4
Montana Initial Approval3
Nebraska Initial Approval3
Nevada CMIA2
New Hampshire Initial Approval3
New Jersey CMIA2
New Mexico Initial Approval3
New York Initial Approval3
North Carolina Initial Approval3
North Dakota Final Approval4
Ohio Final Approval4
Oklahoma Final Approval4
Oregon Final Approval4
Pennsylvania Initial Approval3
Rhode Island Initial Approval3
South Carolina Final Approval4
South Dakota Final Approval4
Tennessee Final Approval4
Texas CMIA2
Utah Final Approval4
Vermont Initial Approval3
Virginia Final Approval4
Washington Final Approval4
West Virginia Initial Approval3
Wisconsin Initial Approval3
Wyoming Final Approval4
  1. Proposed Plan URL: The URL link to the STP the state submitted to CMS.
  2. Clarifications and/or Modifications required for Initial Approval (CMIA): The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, but CMS has identified issues that must be resolved in the STP prior to initial approval.
  3. Initial Approval with Milestones and a Resubmission Date: The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, the STP is sufficient, but systemic and/or site-specific assessments are not yet completed.  The response to the state will vary dependent on whether the state has or has not identified settings that are presumed to have institutional characteristics and any information the state may wish CMS to consider under the heightened scrutiny process.  
  4. Final Approval: The communication CMS sends to the state notifying the state that public comment, input and summary requirements are met, the STP has provided all necessary information including but not limited to; systemic assessment, site specific assessment, settings presumed to have institutional characteristics, information regarding heightened scrutiny or the state’s decision to let the presumption stand, and clear remedial steps with milestones are delineated.  
  5. Approved Plan:  The CMS approved STP.