Congress’ highest honor for America’s youth.

The Congressional Award

The United States Congress established The Congressional Award in 1979 (Public Law 96-114) to recognize initiative, service, and achievement in young people. It began as a bipartisan effort in both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. The original bill was sponsored by Senator Malcolm Wallop of Wyoming and Congressman James Howard of New Jersey.

The Congressional Award provides a structure for young Americans to learn the value of service, personal development, fitness, and citizenship through character forming experiences that shape tomorrow’s leaders and our country’s future.


Check out critical initiatives we've launched in collaboration with supporters:


Our new 2023 Sponsorship Prospectus is available upon request.

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Ways You Can Support

Sponsor an event.
As the only charity of Congress, Congressional Award events are held throughout the year with Members of the House and Senate. The program is completely non-political, nonpartisan, and bicameral. The four anchor events in DC include the Chiefs of Staff Poker Tournament, Golf Classic, Congressional Leadership Reception in the US Capitol, and the Gold Medal Ceremony.  State events are held throughout the year to honor students across the country.

Become a package sponsor.
Considered the best overall value, donors enjoy an array of events throughout the year which include golf slots, poker seats, dinner tickets and admission at state events, all year long. Benefits correspond to sponsorship level, available upon request.

Collaborate with our team as a strategic partner.
Aligning with the CSR or philanthropic goals of our corporate partners, The Congressional Award works to develop curriculum, programming, and exposure opportunities for students.  Critical programming areas include:

  • Health Equity & Accessibility
  • Financial Empowerment
  • Communication & Teamwork
  • Pathways to Career
  • Mental & Emotional Health
  • Food Insecurity & Sustainability

The Latest

Want to see what our partners have been fueling lately?
Check out the latest.

The Congressional Award Launches the Esports and Wellness Campaign in Partnership with Entertainment Software Association – Offering Resources on Gaming and Esports for Youth Across the Nation

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Congressman Brian Mast Honors 35 Students from Florida’s 18th Congressional District with The Congressional Award, Sponsored by NextEra Energy

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The Congressional Award Foundation, in partnership with Bayer, Honors 38 Arkansas Youth for Achievements in Service

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U.S. Congress Honors 549 Youth Medalists for Achievements in Community Service and Self-Improvement During Annual Gold Medal Celebration

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The Congressional Award Foundation Returns to In-Person Ceremonies and Honors 62 Kentucky Youth for Achievements in Service

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The Congressional Award Foundation (CAF) and The DC Office of Cable, Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment (OCTFME) Launch Season Two of Café Radio, a Youth-Led Radio Podcast Series.

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U.S. Congress Recognizes 57 North Carolina Students for Achievements in Service and Personal Development

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U.S. Congress Honors 518 Youth Medalists for Achievements in Service and Self-Improvement During Annual Gold Medal Ceremony, Presented by Otsuka

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The Congressional Award Foundation Welcomes Three New Members to National Board

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U.S. Congress Recognizes 404 California Students for Achievements in Service and Personal Development

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