Alexandra Gomez

How did you earn The Congressional Award?

VPS: I volunteered at a local women’s shelter and handled donations.
PD: I tried learning a new language!
PF: I joined a new dance class (so fun, I highly recommend!).
EXP: Grand Canyon

What are your current ambitions?

As of right now, I am a student at UC Berkeley and am focusing on my classwork and enjoying
my time in college. I am hoping to go to Medical School to become a pediatrician since I really
love kids! In the future, I would love to start my own charity for underprivileged youth that would
assist in access to a better education and helping them with the whole college process.

Where do you find your motivation?

The book Rising Strong by Brene Brown has really inspired me and made a lot of challenges in
life make sense. My mom and friends also motivate me to keep gaining my education.

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