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Suggested World Searches

Immigration & Border Control

280 documents in the last year

On March 1, 2003, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officially assumed responsibility for immigration services and border control functions of the Federal government. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107–296, 116 Stat. 2135) dissolved the Immigration...

International Trade (Anti-Dumping)

862 documents in the last year

Foreign manufacturers engage in the practice of “dumping” when they export products to the U.S. at prices below the established domestic market price or when they ship excessive quantities of products that cannot be explained by normal market competition. World Trade...

Controlled Exports (CCL & USML)

84 documents in the last year

Export control regulations protect the national security and foreign policy interests of the U.S. The Department of Commerce (DOC) and the Department of State (DOS) have primary responsibility for maintaining export controls. The DOC’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)...

Denied Persons & Specially Designated Nationals

191 documents in the last year

Arms Sales Notifications

8 documents in the last year

Navigation Areas & Safety and Security Zones

365 documents in the last year

Preventing Collisions at Sea (72 COLREGS)

15 documents in the last year

Ports of Entry

70 documents in the last year

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

42 documents in the last year

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