The Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA) is a tool that provides answers to several tax law questions specific to your individual circumstances. Based on your input, it can determine if you have to file a tax return, your filing status, if you can claim a dependent, if the type of income you have is taxable, if you're eligible to claim a credit, or if you can deduct expenses.

NOTE: The information you provide is anonymous and will be used for purposes of answering your question. It will not be shared, stored or used in any other way, nor can it be used to identify the individual who enters it. It will be discarded when you exit a topic.

You can find topics using the search feature or by viewing the categories listed below.

Filing Requirement, Form to Use, Due Date 

Filing Status and Dependents

Retirement: Pensions, IRAs, Social Security

Other Income




Additional Topics


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    Interactive Tax Assistant YouTube Video