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Early Childhood Mental Health Programs

As a part of its mission to reduce the impact of substance use and mental illness on our communities, SAMHSA funds programs that promote and support the health and wellness of young children and their families.
  • Through early childhood grant funding, SAMHSA strives towards a future where:

    • All young children have the opportunity to thrive in all domains of development- physical, cognitive, spiritual, emotional, and social
    • Caregivers have access to supports and services to meet the needs of young children in their care; this includes supports and services to help caregivers build their own resilience and capacity for nurturing caregiving
    • In the context of strong caregiver relationships and nurturing environments, young children can then thrive socially and emotionally, building their own resilience to support lifelong mental health
    • Healthy children and families build a healthier future for all of us and our communities

    SAMHSA currently funds three early childhood mental health grant programs and a Center of Excellence:

  • Project LAUNCH

    project launch - young children playing in a daycare setting

    This program promotes the wellness of young children, from birth to 8 years of age, by addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of their development, preparing young children to thrive in school and beyond.

  • Indigenous – Project LAUNCH

    indigenous project launch - indigenous parent and child

    This program promotes the wellness of young children from birth to 8 years of age within tribes, territories, and Pacific Island jurisdictions by addressing the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of their development.

  • Infant Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Grant Program

    IECMH grant program - children playing tug or war

    This program improves outcomes for children, from birth up to 12 years of age, by developing, maintaining, or enhancing infant and early childhood mental health promotion, intervention, and treatment services.

  • Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

    coe for iecmhc - children in daycare setting

    This national center provides technical assistance and professional development to increase access to high quality mental health consultation throughout the country.

Last Updated

Last Updated: 11/17/2022