Division of Intramural Research Board of Scientific Counselors


Michael S. Saag, M.D. (23) Co-chair
Professor of Medicine
Director, William C. Gorgas Center for Geographic Medicine
Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for AIDS Research

Polly Ferguson, M.D. (22) Co-chair
Professor; Director, Pediatric Rheumatology
Department of Pediatrics
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Avery August, Ph.D. (22)
HHMI Professor
Professor of Immunology and
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Cornell Institute for Host-Microbe  
Interactions & Disease
Cornell University

Wonder Puryear Drake, M.D. (25)
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Robert A. Goodwin, Jr. Directorship in Medicine
Director of Sarcoidosis Center of Excellence
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Fernando D. Martinez, M.D. (25)
Regents’ Professor
Director, Asthma & Airway Disease Research Center
Swift-McNear Professor of Pediatrics
The University of Arizona

Katherine A. Fitzgerald, Ph.D. (24)
Department of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School

Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Ph.D. (24)
Director Global Health and Emerging Pathogens Institute
Professor Microbiology
Professor Medicine, Infectious Diseases
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Stuart M. Levitz,  M.D. (24)
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School

Octavio Ramilo, M.D. (24)
Professor of Pediatrics
Ohio State University
Infectious Diseases

Susan R. Ross, Ph.D. (25)
Sweeney Basic Sciences Professor and Head
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
College of Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago

Carol, H. Sibley, Ph.D. (24)
Professor of Genome Sciences
University of Washington

Stefanie N. Vogel, Ph.D. (23)
Professor, Microbiology and Immunology
Professor of Medicine
University of Maryland
School of Medicine

Executive Secretary

Steven M. Holland, M.D.
Director, Division of Intramural Research
National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, NIH

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