
Photo of an inhaler
Credit: NIAID

Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by episodes of airway narrowing and obstruction, causing wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Why Is the Study of Asthma a Priority for NIAID?

Asthma reduces quality of life and is a major contributing factor to missed time from school and work. Severe asthma attacks may require emergency room visits and hospitalizations, and they can be fatal. Existing asthma treatments focus on preventing or controlling disease symptoms. While treatment based on NIH guidelines is generally effective at improving asthma control, many people still experience symptoms on a regular basis and suffer from asthma attacks, which can be frightening and dangerous. NIAID and other NIH institutes studying asthma are committed to reducing the burden of this disease, which disproportionately affects minorities and families living at or below the poverty line.

How Is NIAID Addressing This Critical Topic?

NIAID supports targeted research to understand the underlying immune responses that lead to asthma. This understanding may aid the development of asthma prevention strategies and treatments to improve life for those already living with the disease. NIAID research focuses on understanding how environmental exposures interact with a person’s genetic makeup to cause immune responses that contribute to development of asthma or increase its severity.

To learn about risk factors for asthma and current prevention and treatment strategies visit the Medline Plus asthma site.

Clinical Trials

NIAID supports and conducts ongoing clinical trials to better understand immune responses that lead to asthma, including environment exposures and genetics. Many of the clinical trials are being conducted by research teams across the country.

Read more about NIAID’s active clinical trials
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