Vaccine Research Center

Richard A. Koup, M.D.
Richard A. Koup, M.D.
Acting Director, Vaccine Research Center (VRC)

Richard A. Koup, M.D.
Acting Director, Vaccine Research Center (VRC)

Credit: NIAID

The Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was established to facilitate research in vaccine development. The VRC is dedicated to improving global human health through the rigorous pursuit of effective vaccines for human diseases. Established by former President Bill Clinton as part of an initiative to develop an AIDS vaccine, the VRC is a unique venture within the NIH intramural research program. Initially spearheaded by NIAID, the National Cancer Institute, and the NIH Office of AIDS Research, the VRC is now part of the NIAID organization.

The mission of the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) is to conduct research that facilitates the development of effective vaccines for human disease. The primary focus of research include:

    View all research conducted at the Vaccine Research Center (VRC)

    See the Vaccine Research Center brochure

    COVID-19 Research in NIAID Labs

    When COVID-19 was identified in early 2020, NIAID intramural laboratory scientists mobilized quickly to study the virus.

    See a list of VRC investigators researching COVID-19

    VRC Clinical Studies

    The Vaccine Research Center evaluates candidate vaccines and monoclonal antibodies targeting HIV, influenza, Ebola, and other emerging infections. 

    Find out more and volunteer for VRC Clinical Studies
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