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ESD employee resources

Severe inclement weather/natural disaster information:

Find complete information on what to do if inclement weather is affecting your area: http://insideesd/personnel/inclement-weather   


For Thurston County: The emergency hotline number for Thurston County is 877-871-4948. The hotline is updated when there's severe inclement weather in Thurston County. The goal is to update the line by 5:30 a.m. if the event occurs outside of work hours.

For WorkSource employees: Contact your supervisor or manager, or follow your office protocol. 



Your safety is a priority at ESD. When you are prepared for severe inclement weather (or any emergency/disaster) it helps keep you, your family, and pets safe. Visit Ready.gov for tips on preparing for severe winter weather. 

Leave questions
Many leave questions can be answered on the “Talking weather-related leave: FAQs” page on InsideESD. Note: There has been a temporary change in policy due to COVID. If you lose power while teleworking and ESD offices are non-operational, do not go into an office to work. You may use the non-operational code (9044) on your time sheet for the time you were unable to work due to the power outage. 

WorkSource inclement weather plans
Area Administrators are responsible for communicating the operating status of their offices to employees.  If you are unsure of how to receive inclement weather operating status information for your WorkSource office, contact your supervisor or manager.

Inclement weather policy
In order to ensure consistency across the agency in handling approval for severe inclement weather leave, ESD refers to Article 16 of the state’s collective bargaining agreement for represented employees and WAC 357-31 for non-represented employees.   Check out the Severe inclement weather and natural disaster planning page that provides information about the leave policy for inclement weather.


For employment verifications, email ESDGPPayrollHROperations@esd.wa.gov