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Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and our strategic partners are working together to build a comprehensive incident management system for the near-real-time detection, identification, and assessment of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) threats. The goal of SensorNet is to bring together and coordinate all necessary knowledge and response information quickly and effectively. This will be done by providing a common data highway for the processing and dissemination of data from CBRNE, meteorological, video and other sensors in order to provide near-real-time information to emergency management decision makers and first responders.
In the news

ORNL tests early-warning system for hazardous-substance

By Frank Munger,
April 12, 2004

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is using the state of
Tennessee as a testing ground for SensorNet, and that's
critical to development of this early-warning system against
chemical releases and other forms of terrorism...

sensor rotating images  

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