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The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) manages three activities for the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC):

  • Providing a leadership computing capability for science for the nation
  • Operating an Advanced Computing Research Testbed (ACRT)
  • Providing resource computing for DOE SciDAC and other DOE-SC Science Research programs

Modern science is different from the science of the past. The truly revolutionary scientific discoveries of the future will involve:

  • complex interplay between scientists from different disciplines
  • scientific tools of incredible power and scope
  • revolutionary research infrastructure and work environments
  • management practices that deliver outstanding science for each taxpayer dollar

The DOE-SC is uniquely positioned to address these challenges, and thus to strengthen the foundation of U.S. science and help lead our Nation into a new era of scientific discovery. The Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) is an important element in the portfolio of IT investments that underpin the ability of the Office of Science to meet these challenges.

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This site hosted by the Computer Science & Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
National Center for Computational Sciences
Updated: Thursday, 28-Oct-2004 13:32:50 EDT