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USGCRP DIWG Data Guidelines (6/5/02)


In 1991 the Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy issued the following data management for global change policy statements.

Data Management for Global Change Research Policy Statements
Executive Office of the President, Dr. A. Bromley Director - 1991

"The overall purpose of these policy statements was to facilitate full and open access to quality data for global change research. They were prepared in consonance with the goal of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and represent the U.S. Government's position on the access to global change research data.

  1. The U.S. Global Change Research Program requires an early and continuing commitment to the establishment, maintenance, validation, description, accessibility, and distribution of high-quality, long-term data sets.

  2. Full and open sharing of the full suite of global data sets for all global change researchers is a fundamental objective.

  3. Preservation of all data needed for long-term global change research is required. For each and every global change data parameter, there should be at least one explicitly designated archive. Procedures and criteria for setting priorities for data acquisition, retention, and purging should be developed by participating agencies, both nationally and internationally. A clearinghouse process should be established to prevent the purging and loss of important data sets.

  4. Data archives must include easily accessible information about the data holdings, including quality assessments, supporting ancillary information, and guidance and aids for locating and obtaining the data.

  5. National and international standards should be used to the greatest extent possible for media and for processing and communication of global data sets.

  6. Data should be provided at the lowest possible cost to global change researchers in the interest of full and open access to data. This cost should, as a first principle, be no more than the marginal cost of filling a specific user request. Agencies should act to streamline administrative arrangements for exchanging data among researchers.

  7. For those programs in which selected principal investigators have initial periods of exclusive data use, data should be made openly available as soon as they become widely useful. In each case the funding agency should explicitly define the duration of any exclusive use period."

    Since the issuance of these Statements, their intent has been widely adopted and applied both nationally and internationally. Further, the Statements' validity remains as strong as when they were first issued even though since their issuance the technology has radically changed and there has been a been a major broadening of both the community that produces data needed by the USGCRP and of its data user community.

    To implement the intent of these Statements, a number of actions have been taken over the years by the USGCRP and other elements of the Federal government, the National Academy of Sciences, and others. The intent of this present document is to provide in one place an integrated set of data guidelines to help the now large community of providers of USGCRP related data to best meet the intent of the Statements within their available resources.


  1. Federally funded data significantly related to the USGRP that includes:

    1. Data resulting from observations, the application of algorithms to data to produce new data, and from the data output of models.

    2. Data resulting from agency funding in whole or in part of inhouse activities or of cooperative, grant, and contracted activities. Included is the data an agency purchases of data from outside the government to meet its needs*.

      (* Such an inclusion of purchased data is included in the 2001 NAS report "Resolving Conflicts Arising from the Privatization of Environmental Data".)

  2. While it is hoped that these guidelines would be as broadly applied as possible, their intent is primarily focused on providing guidance for when new data is being obtained and made available or when existing data because of technology or other changes needs to be reformatted or have other such changes.

Guidelines and Their Application

POLICY STATEMENT 1 . The U.S. Global Change Research Program requires an early and continuing commitment to the establishment, maintenance, validation, description, accessibility, and distribution of high-quality, long-term data sets.

Since 1994 the USGCRP has managed a Web page, the Global Change Data and Information System, GCDIS, that helps users find the largest amount of USGCRP related data of any site in the world. In 1999, it also became the largest site for data policy information. This site is at http://www.globalchange.gov/


  1. Applicable agency data should be made readily accessible to potential users:

    Minimum application - All such data used in openly available publications, reports, and analyses

    Desired application - All such significant data produced

  2. Applicable agency data should be made available via the Web:

    Minimum application - All such data used in openly available publications, reports, and analyses that are in digital form

    Desired application - All such significant data that's openly available

  3. Applicable data made available on the Web should be described with each data set having:

    Minimum application - A citation similar to those used for citing publications in research journals and in use for data sets by the USGCRP since 1997

    Desired application - A citation plus a data set description that (1) can be readily found and is adequate for users to be able to both understand the applicability of the data to their needs and its proper use and (2) meets at least the minimum requirements for inclusion in the Global Change Master Directory, GCMD, and is so identified to the GCMD.

POLICY STATEMENT 2. Full and open sharing of the full suite of global data sets for all global change researchers is a fundamental objective.

This objective has since 1991 been repeatedly urged and defended from compromise by the National Academy of Science, NAS. The concept has also been widely adopted and applied both nationally and internationally. After reviewing all these implementation actions, the NAS recommended the following single definition "Full and open availability is defined as being available without restriction, on a non-discriminatory basis, for no more than the cost of reproduction and distribution". It combines elements of this Statement with those of Statement 6 was adopted by the USGCRP in 1997.

  1. Full and open access to agency data sets should be provided to:

    Minimum application - All agency data related to the USGCRP that's made generally available

    Desired application - All agency data that's made generally available

POLICY STATEMENT 3. Preservation of all data needed for long-term global change research is required. For each and every global change data parameter, there should be at least one explicitly designated archive. Procedures and criteria for setting priorities for data acquisition, retention, and purging should be developed by participating agencies, both nationally and internationally. A clearinghouse process should be established to prevent the purging and loss of important data sets.

The Federal requirement for providing adequate notice when agencies purge significant data and information products is called for in OMB Circular A-130 of 1997.


  1. The USGCRP should be notified of any agency plans to purge data significantly related to the USGCRP program so an interagency process can determine the necessary remedial actions, if any.

    Minimum application - Notification at least six months prior to the data being purged, or as soon as the agency's intent seems likely, whichever is shorter

    Desired application - Notification as soon as the data purging is being seriously considered by an agency

    ( It should be noted that these guidelines apply equally well in normal times and in abnormal times, such as after the 9/11/01 event.)

POLICY STATEMENT 4. Data archives must include easily accessible information about the data holdings, including quality assessments, supporting ancillary information, and guidance and aids for locating and obtaining the data.

  1. For the applicable data that agencies make available, an assessment of its quality is needed to help assure its proper use.

    Minimum application - Identification of the source of the data so the user has a place to check on its quality.

    Desired application - Identification of the data's quality sufficient to assure its proper use and make unlikely its improper use.

    (The requirement for the identifying the quality of data made available is contained in OMB's "Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Provided by Federal Agencies issued in 2001.)

  2. For the applicable data that agencies make available there should be the ability to be responsive to users questions relative to its use.

    Minimum application - A means for the user to identify the source of the data, i.e. the specific person or organization responsible.

    Desired application - Identification of a person or organization that will be responsive to a user's requests for help

  3. To maximize the ability of users to use the applicable data made available, the vision is to have data from different sources be able to be seamlessly used with data taken by other means, from different sources, and measuring other parameters. That is, have full interoperability.

    Minimum application - Enough data is provided with a data set so its user can make it interoperable with other data sets

    Desired application - Meets the preceding "Minimum application" and the data set has at least spatial and temporal interoperability with the other such interoperable data within the USGCRP.

POLICY STATEMENT 5. National and international standards should be used to the greatest extent possible for media and for processing and communication of global data sets.

  1. In 1994 Executive order 12906 created the National Spatial Infrastructure, NSDI, and OMB Circular A-16 its Federal Geographic Data Committee, FGDC, management structure. For all geospatial data, agencies are must have compatibility with their data documentation standards. The FGDC actively tries to assure their standards are compatible with international standards.

    Minimum Application - All applicable data when new data is being obtained and made available or when existing data because of technology or other changes needs to be reformatted or have other such changes.

    Desired Application - All applicable data

  2. In 1995 the parent group of the USGCRP, OSTP's Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, instructed its participating agencies to have their individual data and information access and search systems be in compliance with the American National Standards Institute, ANSI, Z39.50 10162/10163 open standards for information search and retrieval.

    Minimum Application - All applicable data when new data is being obtained and made available or when existing data because of technology or other changes needs to be reformatted or have other such changes.

    Desired Application - All applicable data

POLICY STATEMENT 6. Data should be provided at the lowest possible cost to global change researchers in the interest of full and open access to data. This cost should, as a first principle, be no more than the marginal cost of filling a specific user request. Agencies should act to streamline administrative arrangements for exchanging data among researchers.

The Federal requirement for charging users no more than the marginal cost of servicing their request is called for in OMB Circular A-130 of 1997.

Minimum Application - All applicable data

POLICY STATEMENT 7. For those programs in which selected principal investigators have initial periods of exclusive data use, data should be made openly available as soon as they become widely useful. In each case the funding agency should explicitly define the duration of any exclusive use period.

To meet this need, in 1997 the USGCRP endorsed the following grant language for use by its participating agencies.



Describe the plan to make available the data products produced, whether from observations or analyses, which contribute significantly to the <grant's> results. The data products will be made available to the <grant official/contracting officer> without restriction and be accompanied by comprehensive metadata documentation adequate for specialists and non-specialists alike to be able to not only understand both how and where the data products were obtained but adequate for them to be used with confidence for generations. The data products and their metadata will be provided in a <standard> exchange format no later than the <grant's> final report or the publication of the data product's associated results, whichever comes first.

Minimum Application - All such applicable data identified as important to the USGCRP

Desired Application - All such applicable data


While these guidelines themselves are not requirements on the agencies, many result from Federal requirements that do require agency compliance. Rather the guidelines' goal is to help provide guidance to the agencies on how best to meet the needs of users for USGCRP related data within their resources. As such, to help users of a particular data set made available by an agency readily understand the degree to which it meets the guidelines, as well as to recognize the efforts an agency to meet these guidelines:

  1. Provided a data set meets all of the Federal requirements and at least all the minimum levels of guideline application - the agency should add a single asterisk at the end of the data set's citation.

  2. Provided a data set meets all of the Federal requirements and all the desired levels of guideline application - the agency should add two asterisks at the end of the data set's citation

    For broader compliance than for selected individual data sets:

    Minimum compliance - Endorsement of these guidelines at the highest appropriate level in the agency

    Desired compliance - Incorporation of these guidelines into the data management policies of the highest appropriate level in the agency

Dr. W. Ferrell
Chair, USGCRP Data and Information Working Group

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