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Recent USGCRP and IPCC Global Change Assessment Reports


USGCRP Newly Available Agency Data Set Yearly Compilations

Data and Information Working Group
U.S. Global Change Research Program

September 2002


Since its inception, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has had a policy of full and open data availability. This policy has been implemented, not only through the participating agencies, but through many interagency mechanisms, such as publications, Internet-based services, and in many international settings.

As one activity to let the users of USGCRP data and information know what's available, a data set citation format like that widely used for publications was adopted. Using this citation format, a survey of USGCRP related data made newly available by the agencies has been published by the USGCRP for each of the five past years.

As another activity, the citations used in the Foundation report of the National Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the United States, as well as of the program's published reports by its component regions and sectors, have been extracted from their final reports. Similarly, the citations used in recent USGCRP related IPCC publications have been extracted. These citations should be particularly important to USGCRP users as they resulted from a screening process by experts in the particular fields.

(These individual data and information citation compilations are generally available in electronic form via the U.S. Global Change Research Program Web site at http://www.usgcrp.gov/ and in the Global Change Data and Information System (http://www.globalchange.gov/).)

To help users of these citation compilations find the data and information in which they are most interested, the data set and publication citations have been separated into the following subject categories, each with the representative topics it includes:

Agriculture - Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Plants, Soils
Atmosphere - Aerosols, Atmospheric chemistry, Climate, Clouds, Weather
Biosphere - Ecology, Vegetation, Wetlands, Zoology
Carbon - Atmospheric carbon, Ocean carbon, Sequestration, Soil carbon
Cryosphere - Glaciers, Ice, Snow
Geology - Earthquakes, Earth's structure, Gravity, Magnetic fields, Nonrenewable resources, Volcanoes
Human Dimensions - Economic effects, Environmental effects, Human health
Hydrosphere - Ground water, Precipitation, Surface water, Water quality
Land Surface - Erosion, Land cover, Land type, Land use, Topography
Oceans - Coastal processes, Circulation, Resources, Temperature, Waves
Paleoclimate - Historical records, Ice, land, and ocean cores
Solar Physics - Energetic particles, Solar activity, Solar radiation

The categorization of the citations also makes it possible to make a compilation of the citations in a particular subject category for all the publications identified above that were surveyed. This present compilation is for the Human Dimensions category.

Table of Contents


Scenarios Used for the Report
Socioeconomic Context for Climate Impact Assessment
Report's Regional Elements of the U.S.
Research Sectors of the Study
Agriculture Sector
California Region (Final Review Version)
Coastal Region
Health Sector
Mid-Atlantic Region
Pacific Islands Region
Water Sector






IPCC Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

IPCC Working Group II. Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. The IPCC Secretariat c/o World Meteorological Organization, 7 bis Avenue de la Paix, C.P. 2300, CH - 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland http://www.ipcc.ch/

Chapter I - Overview of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change

AGBM, 1995: Report of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate on the Work of Its First Session Held at Geneva From 21 to 25 August 1995. Available online at

Alcamo, J. and E. Kreileman, 1996: Emission scenarios and global climate protection. Global Environmental Change, 6, 305-334.

Arrow, K.J., W. Cline, K.G. Mäler, M. Munasinghe, R. Squitieri, and J. Stiglitz, 1996: Intertemporal equity, discounting and economic efficiency. In: Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change, Second Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Bruce, J.P., H. Lee, and E.F. Haites (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 135-144.

Ausubel, J.H., 1996: Can technology spare the earth? American Scientist, 84(2), 166-178.

Azar, C., 1999: Weight factors in cost benefit analysis of climate change. Environmental and Resource Economics, 13, 249-268.

Azar, C., 1998: The timing of CO2 emissions reduction - the debate revisited. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 10, 508-521.

Azar, C. and H. Rodhe, 1997: Targets for stabilization of atmosperic CO2. Science, 276, 1818-1819.

Azar, C. and T. Sterner, 1996: Discounting and distributional considerations in the context of global warming. Ecological Economics, 19, 169-185.

Bartiaux, F. and J.P. van Ypersele, 1993: The role of population growth in global warming. In: Proceedings of the International Population Conference (ISBN 2-87108-030-5). International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Liège, Belgium, 4, 33-54.

Browne, J., 2000: Rethinking corporate responsibility. Reflections: The SoL Journal, 1(4), 48-53.

Burton, I., R.W. Kates, and G.F. White, 1993: The Environment as Hazard. Guilford Press, New York, NY, USA, 2nd. ed., 290 pp.

Chen, R.S. and R.W. Kates, 1996: Trends in agriculture and food security. In: Climate Change and World Food Security [Downing, T.E. (ed.)]. Springler-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 23-52.

Cline, W.R., 1992: The Economics of Global Warming. Institute of International Economics, Washington, DC, USA, 399 pp.

Cohen, J., 1995: How Many People Can the Earth Support? W.W. Norton, New York, NY, USA, 532 pp.

Cole, H.S.D., C. Freeman, M. Jahoda, and K.L.R. Pavitt, 1973: Models of Doom: A Critique of the Limits to Growth. Universe Books, New York, NY, USA, 244 pp.

Colombo, A.F., D. Etkin, and B.W. Karney, 1999: Climate variability and the frequency of extreme temperature events for nine sites across Canada: implications for power usage. Journal of Climate, 12, 2490-2502.

Cooper, R.N., 2000: Prospects for the World Economy. Working Paper #26, UCLA Center for International Relations, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 27 pp.

Daily, G.C., 1997: Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 392 pp.

Ehrlich, P.R. and A.H. Ehrlich, 1996: Betrayal of Science and Reason. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 335 pp.

Ehrlich, P.R. and A.H. Ehrlich, 1990: The Population Explosion. Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, USA, 320 pp.

Ehrlich, P.R. and J.P. Holdren, 1971: Impact of Population Growth. Science, 171, 1212-1217.

Ehrlich, P.R., A.H. Ehrlich, and G. Daily, 1995: The Stork and the Plow. Putnam, New York, NY, USA, 364 pp.

Etkin, D.A., 1999: Risk transference and related trends: driving forces towards more mega-disasters. Environmental Hazards, 1, 69-75.

Fankhauser, S., R.S.J. Tol and D.W. Pearce, 1997: The aggregation of climate change damages: a welfare theoretic approach. Environmental and Resource Economics, 10, 249-266. FAO, 1999: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 1999. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Available online at

Fischer, G., K. Frohberg, M.L. Parry, and C. Rosenzweig, 1996: Impacts of potential climate change on global and regional food production and vulnerability. In: Climate Change and World Food Security [Downing, T.E. (ed.)]. Springler-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 115-160.

Gates, D., 1993: Climate Change and its Biological Consequences. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, USA, 280 pp.

Gleick, P.H., 1998: The World's Water 1998-1999: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 307 pp. Available online at

Goulder, L.H. and D. Kennedy, 1997: Valuing ecosystems: philosophical bases and empirical methods. In: Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems [Daily, G.C. (ed.)]. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 23-48.

Goulder, L.H. and S.H. Schneider, 1999: Induced technological change and the attractiveness of CO2 emissions abatement policies. Resource and Energy Economics, 21, 211-253.

Grossman, G.M. and A.B. Krueger, 1995: Economic growth and the environment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 353-377.

Grubb, M., M. Ha-Duong, and T. Chapuis, 1994: Optimizing climate change abatement responses: on inertia and induced technology development. In: Integrative Assessment of Mitigation, Impacts, and Adaptation to Climate Change [Nakicenovic, N., W.D. Nordhaus, R. Richels, and F.L. Toth (eds.)]. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, pp. 513-534.

Ha-Duong, M., M. Grubb., and J.-C. Hourcade, 1997: Influence of socioeconomic inertia and uncertainty on optimal CO2 emission abatement. Nature, 390, 270-273. Heal, G., 1997: Discounting and climate change, an editorial essay. Climatic Change, 37(2), 335-343.

Hoffert, M.I., K. Caldeira, A.K. Jain, L.D.D. Harvey, E.F. Haites, S.D. Potter, M.E. Schlesinger, S.H. Schneider, R.G. Watts, T.M.L. Wigley, and D.J. Wuebbles, 1998: Energy implications of future stabilization of atmospheric CO2 content. Nature, 395, 881-884.

Hope, C.W., J. Anderson, and P. Wenman, 1993: Policy analysis of the greenhouse effect - an application of the PAGE model. Energy Policy, 15, 328-338.

IPCC, 2000: Emissions Scenarios. Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Nakicenovic, N. and R. Swart (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 599 pp.

IPCC, 1999a: Procedures for the Preparation, Review, Acceptance, Adoption, Approval and Publication of IPCC Reports. Appendix A to the Principles Governing IPCC Work. Available online at
http://www.ipcc.ch/about/ procd.htm.

IPCC, 1999b: Scientific, Technical and Socioeconomic Questions Selected by the Panel. Available online at

IPCC, 1998: The Regional Impacts of Climate Change. An Assessment of Vulnerability. A Special Report of IPCC Working Group II [Watson, R.T., M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H. Moss (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 517 pp.

IPCC, 1996b: Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Watson, R.T., M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H. Moss (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 878 pp.

IPCC, 1996c: Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Bruce, J.P., H. Lee, and E.F. Haites (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 448 pp.

Ishida, Y., 1998: Context and problems of sustainable development. In: "Society" in 2050: Choice for Global Sustainability. Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute, Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan, pp. 5-14.

Kates, R.W., 1996: Ending hunger: current status and future prospects. Consequences, 2(2), 3-12. Available online at

Kennedy, D., D. Holloway, E. Weinthal, W. Falcon, P. Ehrlich, R. Naylor, M. May, S.H. Schneider, S. Fetter, and J. Choi, 1998: Environmental Quality and Regional Conflict. Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, Washington, DC, USA, 72 pp.

Koizumi, T. and S.B. Lundstedt, 1998: Mind, culture and economy: the morphology of socio-economic systems. Cybernetica, XLI(2/3/4), 1121-151.

Kremen, C., J.O. Niles, M.G. Dalton, G.C. Daily, P.R. Ehrlich, J.P. Fay, D. Grewal, and R.P. Guillery, 2000: Economic incentives for rain forest conservation across scales. Science, 288, 1828-1832.

Lutz, W. (ed.), 1996: The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today? Earthscan, London, United Kingdom, 500 pp.

MacIver, D.C., 1998: Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change. IPCC Workshop Summary, San Jose, Costa Rica, 29 March - 1 April 1998. Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, 55 pp.

Manne, A. and R. Richels, 1995: The greenhouse debate: economic efficiency, burden sharing and hedging strategies. The Energy Journal, 16(4), 1-37.

Markandya, A. and K. Halsnaes, 2000: Costing methodologies. In: Guidance Papers on the Cross Cutting Issues of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC [Pachauri, R., T. Taniguchi, and K. Tanaka (eds.)]. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 15-31. Available online at

Mastrandrea, M. and S.H. Schneider, 2001: Integrated assessment of abrupt climatic changes. Climate Policy (in press).

Meadows, D.H., D.L. Meadows, J. Randers, and W.W. Behrens, 1972: The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. Universe Books, New York, NY, USA, 205 pp.

Mearns, L.O., R.W. Katz, and S.H. Schneider, 1984: Extreme high temperature events: changes in their probabilities and changes in mean temperature. Journal of Climate and Applied Meterology, 23, 1601-1613.

Mendelsohn, R., N.G. Androva, W. Morrison, and M.E. Schlesinger, 2000: Country-specific market impacts of climate change. Climatic Change, 45(3-4), 553-569.

Meyer, W.B., 1996: Human Impact on the Earth. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 253 pp.

Morgan, G. and H. Dowlatabadi, 1996: Learning from integrated assessment of climate change, Climatic Change, 34(3-4), 337-368.

Munasinghe, M., 2000: Development, equity and sustainability (DES) in the context of climate change. In: Guidance Papers on the Cross Cutting Issues of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC [Pachauri, R., K. Tanaka, and T. Taniguchi (eds.)]. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 69-110. Available online at

Myers, N., 1993: Ultimate Security - The Environmental Basis of Political Stability. W.W. Norton, New York, NY, USA, 308 pp.

Myers, N. and J. Simon, 1994: Scarcity or Abundance? A Debate on the Environment. W.W. Norton, New York, NY, USA, 254 pp.

Nordhaus, W.D. and J. Boyer, 2000: Warming the World: Economic Models of Global Warming. MIT Press, Boston, MA, USA, 232 pp.

Nordhaus, W.D., 1994a: Managing the Global Commons. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 213 pp.

OECD, 1999: National Climate Policies and the Kyoto Protocol. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France, 87 pp.

O'Meara, M., 1999: Exploring a new vision for cities. In: State of the World [Brown, L.R., C. Flavin, H.F. French, and L. Starke (eds.)]. Worldwatch Institute, Earthscan, London, United Kingdom, pp. 133-150.

Pachauri, R., T. Taniguchi, and K. Tanaka (eds.), 2000: Guidance Papers on the Cross Cutting Issues of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC. Geneva, Switzerland, 138 pp. Available online at

Parson, E.A. and K. Fisher-Vanden, 1997: Integrated assessment models of global climate change. In: Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 22, 589-628.

Peck, S.C. and T.J. Teisberg, 1992: CETA: a model of carbon emissions trajectory assessment. The Energy Journal, 13(1), 55-77.

Portney, P.R. and J.P. Weyant (eds.), 1999: Discounting and Intergenerational Equity. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, USA, 186 pp.

Rahman, A., 1999: Climate change and violent conflicts. In: Ecology, Politics, and Violent Conflicts [Suliman, M. (ed.)]. Zed Books, London, United Kingdom, pp. 181-210.

Rayner, S. and E.L. Malone, 1998: Ten suggestions for policymakers: guidelines from an international social science assessment of human choice and climate change. In: Human Choice and Climate Change [Malone, E.L. and S. Rayner (eds.)]. Batelle Press, Columbus, OH, USA, 4, 109-138.

Reilly, J., W. Baethgen, F.E. Chege, S.C. van de Geijn, L. Erda, A. Iglesias, G. Kenny, D. Patterson, J. Rogasik, R. Rötter, C. Rosenzweig, W. Sombroek, J. Westbrook, D. Bachelet, M. Brklacich, U. Dämmgen, M. Howden, R.J.V. Joyce, P.D. Lingren, D. Schimmelpfennig, U. Singh, O. Sirotenko, and E. Wheaton, 1996: Agriculture in a changing climate: impacts and adaptation. In:Climate Change 1995: Impacts, Adaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical Analyses. Contribution of Working Group II to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Watson, R.T., M.C. Zinyowera, and R.H. Moss (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 427-467.

Rotmans, J. and M. van Asselt, 1996: Integrated assessment: a growing child on its way to maturity - an editorial. Climatic Change, 34(3-4), 327-336.

Roughgarden, T. and S.H. Schneider, 1999: Climate change policy: quantifying uncertainties for damages and optimal carbon taxes. Energy Policy, 27(7), 415-429.

Schindler, D.W., P.J. Curtis, B.R. Parker, and M.P. Stainton, 1996: Consequences of climate warming and lake acidification for UVB penetration in North American boreal lakes. Nature, 379, 705-708.

Schneider, S.H., 1997: Integrated assessment modeling of global climate change: transparent rational tool for policy making or opaque screen hiding value-laden assumptions? Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2(4), 229-248.

Schneider, S.H., W.E. Easterling, and L.O. Mearns, 2000a: Adaptation: sensitivity to natural variability, agent assumptions and dynamic climate changes. Climatic Change, 45(1), 203-221.

Schneider, S.H., K. Kuntz-Duriseti, and C. Azar, 2000b: Costing nonlinearities, surprises and irreversible events. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, 10(1), 81-106.

Schneider, S.H. and S.L. Thompson, 2000: A simple climate model for use in economic studies of global change. In: New Directions in the Economics and Integrated Assessment of Global Climate Change [DeCanio, S.J., R.B. Howarth, A.H. Sanstad, S.H. Schneider, and S.L. Thompson (eds.)]. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA, USA, pp. 47-63.

Schneider, S.H., B.L. Turner, and H. Morehouse Garriga, 1998: Imaginable surprise in global change science. Journal of Risk Research, 1(2), 165-185.

Skodvin, T., 2000: Revised rules of procedure for the IPCC process. Climatic Change, 46, 409-415.

Smit, B., I. Burton, and J.T.K. Richard, 1999: The science of adaptation: a framework for assessment. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 4(3-4), 199-213.

Titus, J. and V. Narayanan, 1996: The risk of sea level rise: a delphic Monte Carlo analysis in which twenty researchers specify subjective probability distributions for model coefficients within their respective areas of expertise. Climatic Change, 33(2), 151-212.

Tol, R.S.J., 1995: The damage costs of climate change: toward more comprehensive calculations. Environmental and Resource Economics, 5, 353-374.

Tol, R.S.J. and S. Fankhauser, 1998: On the representation of impact in integrated assessment models of climate change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 3, 63-74.

Toth, F., 2000: Decision analysis frameworks in TAR. In: Guidance Papers on the Cross Cutting Issues of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC [Pachauri, R., K. Tanaka, and T. Taniguchi (eds.)]. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 53-68. Available online at

Turner, B.L. II, R.E. Kasperson, W.B. Meyer, K.M. Dow, D. Golding, J.X. Kasperson, R.C. Mitchell, and S.J. Ratick, 1990: Two types of global environmental change: definitional and spatial-scale issues in their human dimensions. Global Environmental Change, 1(1), 14-22. UNDP, 1999: Human Development Report 1999. United Nations Development Programme, Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 262 pp. Available online at

United Nations, 1997: Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Kyoto, Japan, 60 pp. Available online at

United Nations, 1992: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 33 pp. Available online at

van der Veer, J., 1999: Profits and principles, the experiences of an industry leader. In: Proceedings of the Greenport '99 Conference, April 1999. World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland. Available online at Available online at
http://www.wbcsd.ch/ Speech/s73.htm.

von Weizsäcker, E., A.B. Lovins, and L.H. Lovins, 1998: Factor Four - Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use. Report to the Club of Rome. Earthscan, London, United Kingdom, 322 pp.

Waggoner, P.E., J.H. Ausubel, and I.K. Wernick, 1996: Lightening the tread of population on the land: American examples. Population and Development Review, 22(3), 531-546.

Watson, R.T, J.A. Dixon, S.P. Hamburg, A.C. Janetos, and R.H. Moss, 1998: Protecting Our Planet, Securing Our Future. United Nations Environment Programme, U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 95 pp.

WCED, 1987: Our Common Future. The World Commission on Environment and Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, 400 pp.

Wiener, J.B., 1995: Protecting the global environment. In: Risk versus Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment [Graham, J.D. and J.B. Wiener (eds.)]. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 193-225.

West, J.J. and H. Dowlatabadi, 1999: Assessing economic impacts of sea level rise. In: Climate Change and Risk [Downing, T.E., A.A. Olsthoorn, and R. Tol (eds.)]. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 205-220.

West, J.J., M.J. Small, and H. Dowlatabadi, 2001: Storms, investor decisions and the economic impacts of sea level rise. Climatic Change, 48(2-3), 317-342.

Weyant, J., O. Davidson, H. Dowlatabadi, J. Edmonds, M. Grubb, E.A. Parson, R. Richels, J. Rotmans, P.R. Shukla, and R.S.J. Tol, 1996: Integrated assessment of climate change: an overview and comparison of approaches and results. In: Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Bruce, J.P., E.F. Haites, and H. Lee (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 367-396.

Wigley, T.M.L., 1998: The Kyoto protocol: CO2, CH4 and climate implications. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(13), 2285-2288.

Wigley, T.M.L., J. Edmonds, and R. Richels, 1996: Economic and environmental choices in the stabilization of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nature, 379(6582), 240-243.

Yang, C. and S.H. Schneider, 1998: Global carbon dioxide emissions scenarios: sensitivity to social and technological factors in three regions. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2, 373-404.

Chapter 19 - Vulnerability to Climate Change and Reasons for Concern: A Synthesis

Adger, W.N., 1999: Social vulnerability to climate change and extremes in coastal Vietnam.World Development, 27, 249-269.

Agarwal, B., 1991: A Field of Her Own. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Aiken, W.H., 1986: On evaluating agricultural research. In: New Directions for Agriculture and Agricultural Research: Neglected Dimensions and Emerging Alternatives. Roman and Allanheld, Totowa, NJ, USA, pp. 31-41.

Alcamo, J. and G.J.J. Kreileman, 1996: Emission scenarios and global climate protection. Global Environmental Change, 6(4), 305-334.

Alcamo, J., M. Krol, and R. Leemans, 1995: Stabilizing greenhouse gases: global and regional consequences. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. Backgroup Report for FCCC-CoP, Berlin, Germany, 12 pp.

Alcamo, J., R. Leemans, and E. Kreileman, 1998: Global Change Scenarios of the 21st Century. Results from the IMAGE 2.1 Model. Pergamon and Elsevier Science, London, United Kingdom, 296pp.

Alward, R.D. and J.K. Detling, 1999: Grassland vegetation changes and nocturnal global warming. Science, 283, 229-231.

Ammann, B., 2000: Biotic responses to rapid climatic changes: introduction to a multidisciplinary study of the Younger Dryas and minor oscillations on an altitudinal transect in the Swiss Alps.

Arnell, N.W., 1999: Climate change and global water resources. Global Environmental Change, 9, S31-S50.

Azar, C., 1999: Weight factors in cost-benefit analysis of climate change. Environmental and Resource Economics 13, 249-268.

Azar, C. and T. Sterner, 1996: Discounting and distributional considerations in the context of global warming. Ecological Economics, 19, 169-184.

Beer, T., R. Allan, and B. Ryan, 1993: Modelling climatic hazards. In: Modelling Change in Environmental Systems [Jakeman, A.J., M.B. Beck, and M.J. McAleer (eds.)]. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, USA, pp. 453-477.

Bouma, M.J., 1999: Extreme events and subtle effects of El Niño: can short-term climate variability help us assess the health impact of global change? In: Climate Change and Human Health, A Discussion Meeting, 20 October, 1998, London [Haines, A. and A.J. McMichael (eds.)]. Royal Society, London, United Kingdom, pp. 71-78.

Bouma, M.J., S. Kovats, S.A. Goubet, J. Cox, and A. Haines, 1997: Global assessment of El Nino's disaster burden. Lancet, 350(9089), 1435-1438.

Braaf, R.R., 1999: Improving impact assessment methods: climate change and the health of indigenous Australians. Global Environmental Change, 9, 95-104.

Bunde, A., J. Kropp, and H.-J. Schellnhuber, 2001: Science of Disaster. Climate disruptions heart attacks and market crashes, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, (in press).

Burton, I., R.W. Kates, and G.F. White, 1993: The Environment as Hazard. Guilford Press, New York, NY, USA.

Carter, T.R., 1998: Changes in the thermal growing season in Nordic countries during the past century and prospects for the future. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 7, 161-179.

Changnon, S.A., D. Changnon, E.R. Fosse, D.C. Hoganson, R.J. Roth, and J.M. Totsch, 1997: Effects of recent weather extremes on the insurance industry; major implications for the atmospheric sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78, 425-435.

Cline, W.R., 1992: The Economics of Global Warming. Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, USA, 399 pp.

Cohen, S.J. (ed.), 1997a: Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS) Final Report: Summary Results. Environment Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada, 20 pp.

Cohen, S.J., 1997b: Scientist-stakeholder collaboration in integrated assessment of climate change: lessons from a case study of Northwest Canada. Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 2, 281-293.

Cohen, S.J., 1997c: What if and what in northwest Canada: could climate change make a difference to the future of the Mackenzie Basin? Arctic 50(4), 293-307.

Cohen, S.J., 1996: Integrated regional assessment of global climatic change: lessons from the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS). Global and Planetary Change, 11, 179-185.

Cohen, S.J. (ed.), 1994: Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS) Interim Report No. 2. Environment Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada, 485 pp.

Cohen, S.J., R. Barret, S. Irlbacher, P. Kertland, L. Mortch, L. Pinter, and T. Zdan, 1997: Executive summary. In: The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS) Final Report [Cohen, S.J. (ed.)]. Environment Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 1-18.

Darwin, R., 1999: A FARMer's view of the Ricardian approach to measuring agricultural effects of climatic change. Climatic Change, 41, 371-411.

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Great Plains Region

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Data Made Newly Available in 1998

Full document available at http://www.globalchange.gov

Department of Energy

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Data Made Newly Available in 1999

Full document available at http://www.globalchange.gov

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California Trout Planting Sites. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Coastal Barrier Resources Act Areas for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Contra Costa County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

County Boundaries for the San Francisco Bay Area. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

County Boundaries for the State of California. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Evacuation Routes for New Hanover County, North Carolina. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Fishery Restoration Sites in California. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Generalized County Boundaries for the State of California. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Hazardous Materials Spill Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

High-Need Residential Land Use in New Hanover County, North Carolina. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

High-Risk Undeveloped Land Use in New Hanover County, North Carolina. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

High-Risk Undeveloped Zoning in New Hanover County, North Carolina. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Land Development Risk Datasets. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Natural Hazard Summary Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County , North Carolina, Zoning - circa 1990s. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County Land Use - Target Retail/Wholesale Trade. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Area not surveyed (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Communication Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Criminal Justice Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Emergency Shelter Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Fire & Rescue Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Government Facilities 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Hospitals & Nursing Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Manufacturing (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Residential (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - School Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Service (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Trade Areas (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Transportation (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Transportation (Land Use) - 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Transportation Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina - Utility Facilities - 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina County Boundary. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina Land Use, circa 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Beach Access Sites, circa 1994. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Building Footprints, circa 1994. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Coastal Marinas, 1995. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Critical Facilities, 1999. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Federal Land Ownership. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Fisheries Nursery Areas. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sites. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Ocean Pier Locations, circa 1996. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Primary Roads. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC , 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Solid Waste Facilities. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, State Parks. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

New Hanover County, North Carolina, Street Centerlines, circa 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area Bass Recreational Fishery. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area Halibut Recreational Fishery. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area Perch Recreational Fishery. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area recreational pier and marina locations. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area Rockfish recreational boat fishery. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Area Salmon recreational fishery, prime areas to fish. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco Bay Salmon Recreational Fishery. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Francisco County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Joaquin County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

San Mateo County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Santa Clara County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Santa Cruz County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Solano County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources - Marine Resources Division. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Stanislaus County, California Block Groups. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Storm Surge Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Tornado Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Toxic Release Inventory Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Toxic Release Inventory Sites for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Wildfire Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Wilmington Pump Stations, circa 1998. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Wind Risk Area for New Hanover County, NC. NOAA/NESDIS/NOS/CSC, 1999.

Department of Energy

Marland, Gregg, Tom Boden, Antoinette Brenkert, Bob Andres, and Cathy Johnston. Global, Regional, and National CO2 Emission Estimates from Fossil Fuel Burning, Cement Production, and Gas Flaring: 1751-1996. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. March 1999.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Risk Maps for Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in Southwestern United States. Johns Hopkins Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology. [ESIP_2_Hantavirus_Risk_Maps]

Data Made Newly Available in 2000

Full document available at http://www.globalchange.gov

Department of Commerce

Annual Diseases, Bonds, Education, Finance, Trade, and Vital Statistics for the Philippines (1899-1926), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Financial Statements, Population, Diseases, Trade, and Education for the Philippines(1916-1917), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Imports and Exports, Financial Statements, Education, and Statistics of Justice for the Philippines(1899-1909), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Birth and Death Rates, Public and Private Lands, Irrigation Works, Trade, Education, and Finance for the Philippines(1809-1921), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Civil and Postal Service, Population, and Finance for the Philippines(1735-1896), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Civil Service Personnel and Revenues for Philippines(1903-1911), Central NOAA Libraries, Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Imports, Exports, and Civil Service Personnel for the Philippines(1903-1910), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Population, Education, Commerce, Agricultural Work, Domestic Corporations, Plantation, and Live Stock for the Philippines(1906-1918), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Population, Public Land, Public Health, Finance, Industry, and Public Works for the Philippines(1899-1925), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Population, Tree Plantation, Live Stocks, Finance, Education, Legal Cases, Insurance, and Trade for the Philippines(1906-1919), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Statistics of Trade, Education, Labors, Finance, and Internal Works for the Philippines(1902-1915), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Vital Statistics and Education, Trade, and Finance Statistics for the Philippines(1912-1922), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Vital Statistics and Education, Trade, Livestock, Finance, and Transportation Statistics for the Philippines(1914-1923), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Vital Statistics, and Business, Finance, Public Lands Statistics for the Philippines(1909-1912), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Vital Statistics, and Finance, Education, Insurance, Animal Vaccination, and Trade statistics for the Philippines(1910-1924), Central NOAA Libraries, Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Annual Vital Statistics, and Trade, Finance, Public Works, Postal Services, and Education Statistics for the Philippines(1905-1916), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Daily, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather and Water Levels, and Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Agricultural Trade and Commerce for St. Louis, Mo.(1867), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Daily, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather, Tides, Geology, Animals, Vegetation, and Indian Tribes for North America Before 1904, Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Daily, Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Surface Weather and Water Consumption, Level, and Analysis for St. John, N. B. Canada(1893-1897), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather and Diseases for Michigan(1878-1883). Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Engineering Weather Data, Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC. 2000.

Hourly, Daily, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather, and Monthly and Annual Ozone, Well Levels and Diseases for Michigan(1881), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Hourly, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather and Diseases for Michigan(1878-1881), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Izmit (Kocaeli) Turkey Earthquake, August 17 1999, Structural Damage, Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC. 2000

Monthly Air Temperature and Rainfall, Soil and Timber Analysis, and Statistics of Live Stocks and Human health for the Philippines(1902-1904), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Census of Population, Live Stocks, and Statistics of Diseases for the Philippines(1904-1905), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Census of Population, Live Stocks, and Statistics of Diseases for the Philippines(1904-1905), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Census of Population, Live Stocks, and Statistics of Diseases for the Philippines(1904-1905), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Statistics of Quarantine Transactions, Public Health, Forest Products, Animal and Human Diseases for the Philippines(1902-1903), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Diseases for Michigan(1864-1887), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1877-1893), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1864-1897), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1864-1898), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1864-1899), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1864-1900), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly and Annual Surface Weather and Statistics for Farm Property, Livestock, Productions, and Values for the Province of Ontario, Canada(1882-1915), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Deaths, and Annual Statistics of Estates, Mining Claims, Public Land, Transportation, Trade, and Finance for the Philippines(1899-1906), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Mean Ozone and Water Analysis for Michigan(1872-1875), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Precipitation and Annual Crops Yield, Production, and FarmValue for Nebraska (1896-1905), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Statistics of Deaths and Banking, Annual Census, Statistics of Banking, Diseases, Imports and Exports, Revenue, Claims, and Education for the Philippines(1899-1908), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Surface Weather and Alcohol, Poisonous Wall Paper, and Ecrebo-Spinal Meningitis for Agriculture College, Lansing, Michigan(1856-1874), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly Trade and Annual Education, Finance, and Deaths for the Philippines(1901-1902), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Monthly, Seasonal, and Annual Surface Weather and Its Relationship to Diseases for Michigan(1864-1903), Central NOAA Libraries, NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/LISD. 2000.

Department of the Interior

West Nile Virus Maps. U.S. Geological Survey, 2000 (A U.S. Geological Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service cooperative project)

Data Made Newly Available in 2001

Full document available at http://www.globalchange.gov

Department of Commerce

A decision-analytic approach for development of optimal waste management strategies. Science and policy. M.A. Champ and P.K. Park (eds.). In: Oceanic ...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

A discussion of sediment PCB target levels for the protection of aquatic organisms, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001.

ALOHA 5.1 TM: Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001.

ALOHA and ARCHIE: A comparison, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001.

An Introduction to Coastal Habitats and Biological Resources for Oil Spill Response, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

An Introduction to oil spill physical and chemical processes and information management, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Analyses and Forecast Guidance and Operational Marine Guidance Products from NOAA Ocean Products Center (NOS, NWS, NESDIS) , NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001

Analysis and planning for integrated coastal management: a prototye multimedia CD-ROM, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Annual Population, Farms and Seal Skins for Greenland (1805-1921), NOAA Central Library, 2001.

Annual Rainfall and Lunar Declination for New South Wales, Australia (1846-1900), NOAA Central Library, 2001.

Assessment Phase Guidance Document for OPA Regulations NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Bioremediation: A Countermeasure for Marine Oil Spills, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

CAMEO 4.0 TM: Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Climatic Data for Frost Protected Shallow Foundations (FPSF) , NOAA/NECDIS/ National Climatic Data Center , 2001.

Coastal Environmental Quality in the United States, 1990. NOAA Special Report. Rockville, MD: Coastal and Estuarine Assessment Branch, Ocean Assessmen....( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Coastal Hazardous Waste Site Reviews, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Confirming response effectiveness: an overview and guide to operational monitoring, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Contingency Valuation Method: An Overview, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Conventions for reporting and displaying overflight observations, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Dai Palmer Drought Severity Index, NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center. 2001.

Damage Determination. In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., New Orleans, LA, July 19-23, 1993. ed...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Ecological assessments and development of mitigation measures at Superfund sites: case studies, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Elements to be considered in assessing the effectiveness and effects of shoreline countermeasures, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Environmental quality of Long Island Sound: Assessment and management issues. Estuaries (special dedicated issue) 14:00 224-236. NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Evaluation of the condition of Prince William Sound shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. I 1991 Ge...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluation of the condition of Prince William Sound shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. II 1991 B...,( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluation of the condition of Prince William Sound shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. III Appen...,( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluation of the condition of Prince William Sound shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. II 1992 B...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluation of the condition of Prince William Sound shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. III 1992 ...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluation of the condition of PWS shorelines following the Exxon Valdez oil spill and subsequent shoreline treatment. Vol. I Sum. of results-Geomorph...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Evaluations of options for removal of submerged oil offshore Treasure Island, Tampa Bay Spill, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Field Observations of a Shoreline Cleaning Agent [OL 35.8 24.8 -80.3 -103.9]49.8 24.8 -80.3 -125.2] , NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Follow-up study to the vegetation cutting along Delaware River following the T/V Canadian Liberty oil spill, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Geographic response plans: optimizing the first 24 hours of spill response, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

GEOSAT Southern Ocean (30S-72S Lat.} Altimeter Data, NOAA/NESDIS/ National Geophysical Data Center. 2001.

Glaciers, Ice Cover, and Annual Commerce, Population, and Economics for Greenland (1854-1927), NOAA Central Library, 2001.

Guide to Marine Pollution Related Data, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Guidelines for Developing Digital Environmental Sensitivity Index Atlases and Databases, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Guidelines for Restoration Plans Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Guidelines for Sensitive Environment Mapping in Inland Areas, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Handbook of Federal Systems and Services for Marine Pollution Data and Information, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Injury Assessment: Guidance document for natural resource assessment under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Injury Determination and Quantification. In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., New Orleans, LA, J...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Izmit (Kocaeli) Turkey Earthquake, August 17 1999, Structural Damage, NOAA/NESDIS/ National Geophysical Data Center. 2001.

Joint China - NOAA Port Area Contigency Planning, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Magnetic Variation, Demography, Epidemiology, Hydrology, and Monthly and Seasonal Surface Weather for Shanghai, China (1872-1902) , NOAA Central Library, 2001.

MARPLOT TM: Mapping Application for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001

Mechanical Protection Guidelines, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Mechanisms for the enhancement of the preservation of subsurface oil at the Gulf War oil spill site, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Mitigating an Oil Spill in Timbalier Bay, Louisiana: NOAA's Damage Assessment and Restoration Program in Action. In press. In: Proceedings 21st Annual...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Monitoring, research and management: Integration for decisionmaking in coastal marine environments. In: New Approaches to Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystem...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Multidisciplinary assessment of pollution in Long Island Sound. Estuaries 14:299-305. NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

National Marine Pollution Information System, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

Natural Resource Damage Case Selection Critieria. In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., New Orlea...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Natural Resource Response Guide: Marine Birds, Marine Fish, Marine Mammals, Marine Shellfish, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Natural Resource Restoration, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Navy/NOAA Oceanographic Data Distribution System (NODDS) and Navy Operational Environmental Nowcasting System (NEONS) , NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

NOAA Speeds Up the Damage Assessment and Restoration Process. In: Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 4. December 1993. 1pp., NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

NOAA's Damage Assessment Program: Past , Present and Future. 1993. In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Manag..( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

NOAA's Oil Spill Emergency Response and Planning Thematic Story, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001.

Observations of an oil spill bioremediation activity in Galveston Bay, TX, NOAA Tech. Memo NOS OMA 57, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Oil Spill Case Histories 1967 - 1991: Summaries of Significant U. S. and International Spills, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

PCB Target Levels in Aquatic Sediment, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Preassessment Phase: Guidance document for natural resource assessment under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Pre-Spill Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessments.In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., ...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Primary Restoration: Guidance document for natural resource assessment under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Procedures for assessing potential natural resource damages at Superfund sites, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Protecting Coastal Resources at Superfund Sites: NOAA's CRC Program, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Questions about In-situ Burning as an Open-Water Oil Spill Response Technique, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Rapid Damage Assessment, NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001

Resource Based Measures of Compensation in Liability Status for Natural Resource Damages, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Response strategies in a high tidal range estuarine system: the Savannah River oil spill, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001,

Restoration Planning: Guidance document for natural resource assessment under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Results from NOAA National Status and Trends Program on distributions and effects of chemical contamination in the coastal and estuarine United States... NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Reversing the Tide: Restoring the Nation's Coastal and Marine Resources, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Shoreline Countermeasures Manual: Temperate Coastal Environments, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Shoreline Countermeasures Manual: Tropical Coastal Environments, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Specifications for use of NRDAM/CME version 2.4 to generate compensation formulas: Guidance document for natural resource assessment under the Oil Po...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Stratigraphy, Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity, Glaciers, and Hourly, Monthly, and Annual Surface Weather for Greenland (1869-1919), NOAA Central Library, 2001.

The Caribbean Petroleum Pollution Monitoring Project, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

The Coastal and Ocean Resource Economics Program and the Coastal Trends Series; Socieoeconomic Data; , NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

The Damage Assessment Process: Insights From a Natural Resource Trustee. May, 1993. 87 pp., NOAA National Ocean Service . 2001

The Injury/Restoration Handshake. In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., New Orleans, LA, July 19-...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

The National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

The Natural Resource and Damage Assessment Restoration Process, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001

The Use of Economics in Restoration Planning.In: Coastal Zone 93, Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., New Orleans, L...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Tide and Current Predictions from NOAA's Office of Ocean and Earth Science/Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography Branch, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Urban wastes in coastal waters: Assimilative capacity and management. pp 3-20 In: D.A. Wolfe and T.P. O'Connor (eds.).Oceanic Processes in Marine Poll...( NOAA National Ocean Service). 2001.

Use of Elastol during the UNOCAL Spill on the Neches River, 24 April 1993, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Use of molecular markers for the detection of municipal sewage sludge at sea. Marine Environmental Research 25:1-12, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Waste Site Remediation Thematic Story, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

Wreck and Obstruction Data, NOAA National Ocean Service. 2001.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2000 Pilot Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) [CIESIN_SEDAC_6290] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC), 2001.

2001 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) [CIESIN_SEDAC_6394] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). 2001.

China Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1M, County Level, 1 July 1990 [CIESIN_SEDAC_508]. NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). November 2001.

China Administrative Regions GIS Data: 1:1M, County Level, 1990 [CIESIN_SEDAC_6454] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). November 2001.

China Population Census Data, Household, 1% Sample, 1982 [CIESIN_SEDAC_6494] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). November 2001.

Fundamental GIS: Digital Chart of China, 1:1M, Version 1. NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). December 2001.

Gridded Population of the World (GPW), Version 2.0 [CIESIN_SEDAC_5046] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). 2001.

LandScan 2000 Global Population Database [CIESIN_SEDAC_6574] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). 2001.

United States-Mexico Data Collection: Boundary Data [CIESIN_SEDAC_6558] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). December 2001.

United States-Mexico Data Collection: Census Data [CIESIN_SEDAC_6554] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). December 2001.

United States-Mexico Data Collection: Vital Statistics Data [CIESIN_SEDAC_6556] . NASA/EOSDIS CIESIN Socio-Economic DAAC (SEDAC). December 2001.

National Science Foundation

Blair, John, David Hartnett, and Alan Knapp. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data,  Konza Praire Biological Station, Manhattan Kansas. The Konza Prairie LTER: Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. 2001.

Burke, Indy, Eugene Kelly, and Jack Morgan. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Central Plains Experimental Range, Colorado. The Shortgrass Steppe LTER: Colorado State University, Fort Collins Colorado. 2001.

Carpenter, Steve and Tim Kratz. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, North Temperate Lakes LTER, Wisconsin. The North Temperate Lakes LTER: Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 2001.

Chapin, F., Marilyn Walker, and John Yarie. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, Alaska. The Bonanza Creek LTER: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2001.

Childers, Daniel. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Florida Everglades, Miami, Florida. The Florida Coastal Everglades LTER: Florida International University, Miami, Florida. 2001.

Coleman, David and Jim Vose. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, Otto, North Carolina. The Coweeta LTER: University of Georgia, Athens Georgia. 2001.

Fahey, Timothy and Charles Driscoll. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. West Thornton, New Hampshire. The Hubbard Brook LTER: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Durham, New Hampshire. 2001.

Foster, David. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts. The Harvard Forest LTER: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2001.

Gosz, James. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. The Sevilleta LTER: University of New Mexico, Albuqueruque, New Mexico. 2001.

Grimm, Nancy and Charles Redman. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Maricopa County, Arizona. The Central Arizona / Phoenix LTER: Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona. 2001.

Harmon, Mark, Stan Gregory, and Fred Swanson. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River Oregon. The Andrews LTER: Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon. 2001.

Hayden, Bruce, Karen McGlathery, and John Porter. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Virginia Coast Reserve LTER, Oyster Virginia. The Virginia Coast LTER: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. 2001.

Hobbie, John and Gaius Shaver. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Toolik Lake/ Brooks Range Alaska. The Arctic LTER: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 2001.

Hollibaugh, Tim, and Steve Pennings. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Sapelo Island, Georgia. The Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER: University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. 2001.

Hopkinson, Charles. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Plum Island, Massachusetts. The Plum Island Ecosystem LTER: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 2001.

Huenneke, Laura, Kris Havstad, and Debra Peters. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico. The Jornada Basin LTER: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 2001.

Lyons, W. Berry. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. The McMurdo LTER: University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. 2001.

Pickett, Steward. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Baltimore Maryland. The Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER: Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY. 2001.

Reed, Dan. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Santa Barbara, California. The Santa Barbara Coastal LTER: University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. 2001.

Robertson, G. Phillip. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, Michigan. The Kellogg LTER: Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 2001.

Smith, Raymond. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Palmer Station, Antartica. The Palmer LTER: University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. 2001.

Tilman, David and Peter Reich. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Minnesota. The Cedar Creek LTER: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2001.

Waide, Robert, James Brunt, and John Vande Castle. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Office Data. The LTER Network Office: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2001.

Zimmerman, Jess, Ariel Lugo, and Fred Scatena. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. The Luquillo LTER: University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2001.

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