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Women's Health-Related Legislation in the United States Congress
January - March 2003

H.R. 1489
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)

A bill to provide for parental notification and intervention in the case of a minor seeking an abortion.

H.R. 1385
Rep. Joe Baca (D-CA)
Armed Services, Energy and Commerce, Government Reform

A bill to issue a special postage stamp to benefit breast cancer research.

H. Con. Res. 110
Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce

A concurrent resolution recognizing the sequencing of the human genome as one of the most significant scientific accomplishments of the past one hundred years and expressing support for the goals and ideals of Human Genome Month and DNA Day.

H.R. 1422
Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to improve patient access to, and utilization of, the Medicare colorectal cancer screening benefit.

H.R. 1448
Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo (R-NJ)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to require that health plans provide coverage for a minimum hospital stay for mastectomies and lymph node dissection for the treatment of breast cancer and coverage for secondary consultations.

H.R. 1499
Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce

A bill to require health insurance coverage for certain reconstructive surgery.

H.R. 1470
Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to reduce health care costs and promote improved health by providing supplemental grants for additional preventive health services for women.

H.R. 1469
Rep. Susan A. Davis (D-CA)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to require that group and individual health insurance coverage and group health plans permit enrollees direct access to services of obstetrical and gynecological physician services directly and without a referral.

H.R. 1466
Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-MA)
Ways and Means

A bill to reduce the health insurance costs for family coverage of military reservists called to active duty.

S. 740
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)

A bill to improve patient access to, and utilization of, the Medicare colorectal cancer screening benefit.

S. 732
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT)

A bill to create an independent and nonpartisan commission to assess the health care needs of the uninsured and to monitor the financial stability of the nation's health care safety net.

H. Con. Res. 114
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
International Relations

A concurrent resolution calling on civic groups, women's groups, and others throughout the world to hold workshops, forums, and other events to speak up for world peace and reaffirm women's essential role in the peace-building process.

H.R. 1482
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY)
International Relations

A bill to authorize assistance for women and girls in Afghanistan, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1429
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Financial Services

A bill to protect tenants in public housing and assisted housing who are victims from eviction by reason of criminal activity due to domestic violence.

S. 657
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN)
Finance (03/19/03)

A bill to provide grants to promote responsible fatherhood, to encourage teen pregnancy prevention strategies, and for other purposes.

S. 632
Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID)
Finance (03/17/03)

A bill to expand Medicare coverage of medical nutrition therapy services for beneficiaries with cardiovascular disease.

H. Con. Res. 99
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)
Energy and Commerce

A concurrent resolution directing Congress to enact legislation by October 2005 that provides access to comprehensive health care for all Americans.

H.R. 1340
Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to expand and improve Medicare coverage of mental health services.

H.R. 1319
Rep. Susan A. Davis (D-CA)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to require that group and individual health plans provide coverage for second opinions.

H.R. 1314
Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce

A bill to require that group and individual health insurance coverage and group health plans provide coverage for annual screening mammography for any class of covered individuals if the coverage or plans include coverage for diagnostic mammography for such class and to provide for Medicaid coverage of annual screening mammography.

S. 650
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to authorize the Food and Drug Administration to require research into drugs used in pediatric patients.

S. 646
Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ)

A bill to expand and improve Medicare coverage of mental health services.

H.R. 1359
Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to increase the number of well-trained mental health service professionals (including those based in schools) providing clinical mental health care to children and adolescents, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1229
Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R-VA)
Energy and Commerce
A bill to require assurances that certain family planning service projects and programs will provide pamphlets containing the contact information of adoption centers.

S. 604
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN)

A bill to provide grants to promote responsible fatherhood, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1267
Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA)
Energy and Commerce, Government Reform

A bill to provide research on the health impact and prevention of family violence; to provide training for health care professionals, behavioral and public health staff, and community health centers regarding identification and treatment for families experiencing family violence; and to provide coverage for domestic violence identification and treatment under the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program, Medicaid, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and the Community Health Centers Program.

S. 581
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Finance

A bill to establish a Citizens Health Care Working Group to facilitate public debate about how to improve the health care system for Americans and to provide for a vote by Congress on the recommendations that are derived from this debate.

H.R. 1199
Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to provide for a voluntary Medicare prescription medicine benefit, to provide greater access to affordable pharmaceuticals, and for other purposes.

S. 599
Sen. Blanche Lambert Lincoln (D-AR)

A bill to provide Medicare coverage for diabetes laboratory diagnostic tests and other services to screen for diabetes.

H.R. 1241
Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to authorize additional appropriations to the National Institutes of Health for research on the early detection of, and the reduction of, mortality rates attributed to breast cancer.

H.R. 1225
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to expand coverage of medical nutrition therapy services under Medicare for beneficiaries with cardiovascular disease.

H. Res. 142
Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-MA) / Energy and Commerce

A resolution to express the sense of the House of Representatives that the federal investment in programs that provide health care services to uninsured and low-income individuals in medically underserved areas should be increased to serve 20 million individuals by 2006.

H.R. 1288
Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-OH) / Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to provide for Medicare coverage of all oral anticancer drugs.

H.R. 1287
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Ways and Means

A bill to make health care coverage more accessible and affordable.

H.R. 1219
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)
Energy and Commerce, Judiciary

A bill to limit frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits, to reform the medical malpractice insurance business in order to reduce the cost of medical malpractice insurance, to enhance patient access to medical care, and for other purposes.

S. 622
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)
Finance (03/13/03)

A bill to provide families of disabled children with the opportunity to purchase Medicaid coverage for such children, and for other purposes.

H. Con. Res. 91
Rep. Michael N. Castle (R-DE)
Energy and Commerce

A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the nation should strive to prevent teen pregnancy by encouraging teens to view adolescence as a time for education and growing-up and by educating teens about the negative consequences of early sexual activity.

H.J. Res. 36
Rep. Mark Green (R-WI) / Judiciary

A joint resolution expressing the sense of Congress with respect to raising awareness and encouraging prevention of sexual assault in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

S.J. Res. 8
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
Judiciary (03/11/03)

A joint resolution expressing the sense of Congress with respect to raising awareness and encouraging prevention of sexual assault in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

H. J. Res. 31
Rep. Jesse L. Jackson (D-IL)

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to equality of rights and reproductive rights.

H. Con. Res. 57
Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL)
International Relations, Judiciary

A concurrent resolution supporting the goals of International Women's Day.

H.R. 953
Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce

A bill to provide for equal coverage of mental health benefits with respect to health insurance coverage unless comparable limitations are imposed on medical and surgical benefits.

S. 486
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to provide for equal coverage of mental health benefits with respect to health insurance coverage unless comparable limitations are imposed on medical and surgical benefits.

H. J. Res. 30
Rep. Jesse L. Jackson (D-IL)

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the right of citizens of the United States to health care of equal high quality.

H.R. 1045
Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to provide for coverage of outpatient prescription drugs under part B of Medicare, and for other purposes.

H.R. 1144
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to provide, with respect to diabetes in minority populations, for an increase in the extent of activities carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.

H.R. 1143
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to permit states to expand Medicaid eligibility to uninsured, poor adults.

H.R. 1138
Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-MA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to provide for Alzheimer's disease research and demonstration grants.

S. 566
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to provide for Alzheimer's disease research and demonstration grants.

S. 548
Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WV)
Veterans Affairs

A bill to improve mental health programs for veterans, and for other purposes.

S. 453
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to authorize the Health Resources and Services Administration and the National Cancer Institute to make grants for model programs to provide to individuals of health disparity populations prevention, early detection, treatment, and appropriate follow-up care services for cancer and chronic diseases, and to make grants regarding patient navigators to assist individuals of health disparity populations in receiving such services.

S. 450
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to provide for research on, and services for individuals with, postpartum depression and psychosis.

H. Con. Res. 76
Rep. Patrick J. Tiberi (R-OH)
Energy and Commerce

A concurrent resolution recognizing the health risks associated with childhood obesity and encouraging parents to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity to their children.

H.R. 1044
Rep. Albert Russell Wynn (D-MD)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to establish the Commission on Medical Malpractice Insurance.

H.R. 969
Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ)
Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to provide for Medicare coverage of infertility treatment services for individuals entitled to health insurance benefits under that program by reason of a disability.

H.R. 926
Rep. Melissa A. Hart (R-PA)
Education and the Workforce

A bill to prohibit federal education funding for elementary or secondary schools that provide access to emergency postcoital contraception.

S. 419
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)

A bill to expand Medicare coverage of bone mass measurements to all individuals at clinical risk of osteoporosis.

S. 417
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
Governmental Affairs

A bill to ensure that coverage of bone mass measurements is provided under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

S. 416
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)

A bill to provide for Medicare coverage of annual screening pap smear and screening pelvic exams.

S. 415
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to provide, with respect to research on breast cancer, for the increased involvement of advocates in decision making at the National Cancer Institute.

H.R. 916
Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL)
Energy and Commerce, Science

A bill to prohibit the expenditure of federal funds to conduct or support research on the cloning of humans, and to express the sense of Congress that other countries should establish substantially equivalent restrictions.

H.R. 873
Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce

A bill to raise awareness of eating disorders and to create educational programs concerning the same, and for other purposes.

H.R. 938
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to prohibit federal payments to any individual, business, institution, or organization that engages in human cloning.

H.R. 935
Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA)
Ways and Means

A bill to extend the exclusion from gross income for employer-provided health coverage for employees' spouses and dependent children to coverage provided for other eligible designated beneficiaries of employees.

H.R. 918
Rep. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to authorize the Health Resources and Services Administration, the National Cancer Institute, and the Indian Health Service to make grants for model programs to provide to individuals of health disparity populations prevention, early detection, treatment, and appropriate follow-up care services for cancer and chronic diseases, and to make grants regarding patient navigators to assist individuals of health disparity populations in receiving such services.

S. 418
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
Governmental Affairs
A bill to provide protections for new mothers who are breastfeeding.

Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA)

A bill to prohibit the procedure commonly known as "partial-birth" abortion.

H.R. 679
Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to prohibit certain late term abortions.

H. Res. 66
Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)
Education and the Workforce

A resolution supporting responsible fatherhood and encouraging greater involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, especially on Father's Day.

H.R. 690
Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to provide for Medicaid coverage of organ transplant procedures as an emergency medical procedure for certain alien children.

H.R. 736
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to require that group and individual health insurance coverage and group health plans provide coverage for annual screening mammography for women 40 years of age or older if the coverage or plans include coverage for diagnostic mammography.

H. Con. Res. 34
Rep. Karen McCarthy (D-MO)
Energy and Commerce

A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that private health insurance companies should take a proactive role in promoting healthy lifestyles, and for other purposes.

S. 340
Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants to nonprofit tax-exempt organizations for the purchase of ultrasound equipment to provide free examinations to pregnant women needing such services, and for other purposes.

H.R. 579
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

A bill to implement equal protection under the Constitution for the right to life of each born and pre-born human person from the moment of fertilization.

H.R. 515
Rep. Gene Green (D-TX)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to permit the use of unexpended allotments under the State Children's Health Care Program through fiscal year 2006.

S. 319
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Governmental Affairs
A bill to increase the government contribution for federal employee health insurance.

S. 314
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to make improvements in the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health.

S. 312
Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WV)

A bill to extend the availability of allotments for fiscal years 1998 through 2001 under the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

S. 303
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
A bill to prohibit human cloning and protect stem cell research.

H.R. 577
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD)
Government Reform

A bill to increase the government contribution for federal employee health insurance.

H.R. 531
Rep. W.J. Tauzin (R-LA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to extend the availability of allotments for fiscal years 1998 through 2001 under the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

H.R. 5
Rep. James C. Greenwood (R-PA)
A bill to improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system.

S. 286
Sen. Christopher Bond (R-MO)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to revise and extend the Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998.

H.R. 486
Rep. David Vitter (R-LA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to require the Food and Drug Administration to establish restrictions regarding the qualifications of physicians to prescribe the abortion drug commonly known as RU-486.

H.R. 370
Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to provide for expanding, intensifying, and coordinating activities with respect to research on autoimmune diseases in women.

S. 245
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

A bill to prohibit human cloning.

H.R. 449
Rep. Jennifer Dunn (R-WA)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to permit the use of unexpended allotments under the state children's health care program for an additional fiscal year, and for other purposes.

H.R. 398
Rep. Mike Ferguson (R-NJ)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to revise and extend the Birth Defects Prevention Act of 1998.

S. 146
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH)

A bill to protect unborn victims of violence.

S. 149
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH)

A bill to improve investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases with DNA evidence, and for other purposes.

S. 152
Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE)

A bill to assess the extent of the backlog in DNA analysis of rape kit samples, and to improve investigation and prosecution of sexual assault cases with DNA evidence.

H.J. Res. 9
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO)

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the right to life.

H.R. 81
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to mental health services for children, adolescents and their families.

H.R. 322
Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY)
Energy and Commerce

A bill to ensure coverage for legal immigrant children and pregnant women under Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

H.R. 296
Rep. Sue W. Kelly (R-NY)
Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means

A bill to require that group and individual health insurance coverage and group health plans provide coverage for treatment of a minor child's congenital or developmental deformity or disorder due to trauma, infection, tumor, or disease.

H.R. 295
Rep. Sue W. Kelly (R-NY)
Ways and Means

A bill to require group health plans to provide coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy, consistent with the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998.

S. 138
Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WV)

A bill to temporarily increase the federal medical assistance percentage for Medicaid.

H.R. 234
Rep. Dave Weldon (R-FL)
Energy and Commerce, Judiciary

A bill to prohibit human cloning.

October - December 2002
July - September 2002
January - March 2002
October - December 2001
July - September 2001
April - June 2001
January - March 2001
October - December 2000
July - September 2000
April - June 2000
January - March 2000
October - December 1999
July - September 1999
April - June 1999
January - March 1999
October - December 1998

July - September 1998
April - June 1998
January - March 1998
October - December 1997
July - September 1997
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