American Embassy Damascus
Public Affairs Section

Program of Activities - October and November 2004

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* Wednesday Night Movies

October 6 Signs
Graham Hess (Mel Gibson) andihis family are told extraterrestrials are responsibleifor the strange sign in their field. They watch theinewsias crop circles are soon found all over theiworld.
Signs isian emotional story of one farmias they encounter theipossibility that theiworld isibeing invaded.

October 13 Sleepy Hallow
"…An American classic." -Joel Siegel, Good Morning America
Master storyteller Tim Burton (Batman, Edward Scissorhands) weaves an eerie, enchanting version of this classic tale of horror. Johnny Depp isiIchabod Crane, an eccentric investigator determinedito stop theimurderous Headless Horseman. Christina Ricci isiKatrina Van Tassel, theibeautiful andimysterious girl with secret tiesito theisupernatural terror.

Ramadan Karim
There will be no movies in the Holy month of Ramadan

November 24 Freaky Friday
Disney's Freaky Friday isianiextremely funny andiheartwarming comedy. Dr. Tess Coleman (the hilarious Jamie Lee Curtis) andiher teenage daughter Anna (rockin' Lindsay Lohan) have one thingiin common - they don't relateito each other onianything. Not clothes or men or Anna's passionito be inia rock band. Nothing. Then one nightia little mystic mayhem changes their lives andithey wake upito theibiggest freak-out ever. Tess andiAnna are trapped inside each other's body! But Tess's wedding isiSaturday, anditheitwo must findia wayito switch back - fast! Literally forcedito walkiin each other's shoes, will they gain respect andiunderstandingifor theiother's point of view? Filled with comedy, rock 'n' roll andilots of heart, Freaky Friday isifun every one can enjoy together.

All movies start at 18:30

* The American Film Forum

Participate with Dr. Chris Eccel on November 22 in viewing and critiquing important American films

Blade Runner
A chilling, bold, mesmerizing, futuristic detective thriller.
Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) prowls theisteel-and-microchip jungle of 21st-century Los Angeles. He'sia "blade runner" stalking genetically made criminal replicants. His assignment: kill them. Their crime: wantingito be human. The story of Blade Runner isifamiliarito countless fans. But few have seen it like this. Because this isidirector Ridley Scott's own version of his sci-fi classic. This new version omits Deckard's voiceover narration, developsiin slightly greater detail theiromance between Deckard andiRachael (Sean Young) andiremoves thei"uplifting" finale. The result isiof heightened emotional impact:ia great film made greater. Most intriguing of all isia newly included unicorn vision that suggests Deckard may beia humanoid. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Is Deckardia replicant? As with all thingsiin theifuture, you must discover theianswer yourself.

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Last updated: October 1, 2004