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United States Consulate in Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro
Montenegro Map-Flag

September 6, 2004

The United States Consulate

U.S. Consulate Brings American Experts to Speak about Education Reform

From September 7-11, 2004, American education experts Gina Burkhardt and Arie van der Ploeg from Learning Point Associates, an educational non-profit institution from the Chicago area, will be in Montenegro to conduct a workshop and consultations with Montenegrin professionals and reform leaders about evaluation of schools. Ms. Burkhardt and Mr. van der Ploeg will present successful tools and models of school evaluation which will measure new education reform decisions and solutions. The U.S. experts' visit is funded by the people of the United States of America, through the U.S. Consulate in Podgorica.

The U.S. experts will conduct a four day workshop for 25 employees of the Bureau of Education Services from Podgorica, the leading institution for the implementation of educational reforms in Montenegro. The workshop topics will include: evaluation of the teaching process, evaluation of school management and teachers, evaluation of the new programs' implementation, and school self-evaluation. The workshop will be held at the premises of the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro. Ms. Burkhardt and Mr. van der Ploeg will have a series of meetings with the Ministry's officials; they will also visit some Montengrin schools and give several media interviews.

Thus far this year, the U.S. Consulate has organzied several programs with American speakers on various topics, including U.S. elections, U.S. society's values, NGO-Government cooperation, joournalistic ethics and tourism.

For more information on the U.S. Government’s programs in Montenegro you can visit the Consulate’s web-site:

From the workshop at the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro

From the workshop at the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro
Sa seminara u Ministarstvu prosvjete i nauke Crne Gore

The participants in the workshop at the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro

The participants in the workshop at the Ministry of Education and Science of Montenegro
Učesnici seminara u Ministarstvu prosvjete i nauke Crne Gore


6. septembar 2004.

Konzulat Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

Konzulat SAD dovodi američke eksperte da govore o reformi obrazovanja

Od 7. do 11. septembra 2004. godine američki eksperti iz oblasti obrazovanja Đina Burkhart i Ari Van der Pleg, iz Learning Point Associates, neprofitne obrazovne institucije iz oblasti Čikaga, boraviće u Crnoj Gori gdje će održati seminar i konsultacije sa crnogorskim profesionalcima i liderima obrazovnih reformi o evaluaciji škola. Gospođa Burkhart i gospodin Van der Pleg će predstaviti uspješna sredstva i modele evaluacije škola kao načina mjerenja uspješnosti reformskih odluka i rješenja u oblasti obrazovanja. Posjetu američkih eksperata finansiraju građani Sjedinjenih Američkih Država preko Konzulata SAD u Podgorici.

Američki eksperti vodiće četvorodnevni seminar za 25 zaposlenih u crnogorskom Zavodu za školstvo, vodećoj instituciji u primjeni obrazovnih reformi u Crnoj Gori. Na seminaru će biti obrađene sljedeće teme: evaluacija nastavnog procesa, evaluacija menadžmenta i nastavnika u školama, evaluacija primjene novih nastavnih programa i samoevaluacija škola. Seminar će biti održan u prostorijama Ministarstva prosvjete i nauke Crne Gore. Gospođa Burkhart i gospodin Van der Pleg imaće i seriju sastanaka sa predstavnicima Ministarstva, posjetiće nekoliko crnogorskih škola i dati intervjue domaćim medijima.

Ove godine Američki konzulat je organizovao više programa sa američkim ekspertima na različite teme, kao što su američki izbori, vrijednosti američkog društva, saradnja NVO-a i Vlade, novinarska etika i turizam.

Vše informacija o programima Vlade SAD u Crnoj Gori možete naći na Konzulatovom internet sajtu:



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