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United States Consulate in Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro
Montenegro Map-Flag

September 21, 2004

The United States Consulate


U.S. Department of Agriculture and the American Consulate Sponsor Training of Trainers on Food Service and Food Safety

The U.S. Consulate in Podgorica, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington D.C., will organize a seminar on food service and food safety at the Hotel Crna Gora in Podgorica , September 22 and 23.

Mr. Dennis Hedegard, a certified "Serve-Safe"* trainer in the United States, will provide training to more than 40 participants. Participating in the workshop will be representatives from public institutions such as hospitals, schools, and military food service personnel, as well as regulatory officials of the Republic of Montenegro. Also invited are hotel and restaurant chefs and representatives of the organizations and associations which support them.

Improper care and handling of food leads annually to millions of incidents of food borne illness and even death all over the world. Two or more individuals reporting a suspected food borne illness from the same source is considered an outbreak. Most people who have a mild incidence from at-home food or eating-out rarely report it, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Montenegro is a major tourist destination for European travelers each year, especially during the heat of Summer when they flock to the Adriatic sea and visit the historic towns and walled cities of the region. This program is designed to heighten awareness of food borne illness and prevention, and to develop a cadre of people who can continue the training.

The "Serve-Safe"* program is accepted across the United States as a qualifying program for food service personnel under the "Food Code" of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and as adopted by the individual states and local jurisdictions.

This training is the latest of several food safety programs provided in Serbia and Montenegro under the SEED program of the United States Government. Previous training has been for meat processors and dairy industries.

For more information on the U.S. Government's programs in Montenegro you can visit the Consulate's web site at


21. septembar 2004.

Konzulat Sjedinjenih Američkih Država


Američki konzulat u Podgorici, u saradnji sa Ministarstvom poljoprivrede SAD, organizuje seminar o pripremi bezbjedne hrane 22. i 23. septembra u hotelu “Crna Gora” u Podgorici.

Gospodin Denis Hedegard, ovlašćeni ”Serve-Safe” predavač u Sjedinjenim Državama, vodiće trening za više 40 učesnika. Učesnici seminara biće predstavnici javnih institucija kao što su bolnice, škole, osoblje za pripremu hrane u vojnim ustanovama, kao i službenici za kontrolu bezbjednosti hrane u Republici Crnoj Gori. Pozvani su takođe šefovi hotela i restorana i predstavnici njihovih organizacija i asocijacija.

Neodgovarajuća briga i neadekvatno rukovanje hranom uzrokuju milione slučajeva bolesti izazvane hranom širom svijeta sa čak smrtnim ishodom. Ako dvije ili više osoba izvijeste o sumnji da neka bolest izazvana hranom potiče iz istog izvora, to se smatra izbijanjem bolesti. Prema podacima američkog Centra za kotrolu i prevenciju bolesti, većina ljudi koji imaju blage poteškoće izazvane konzumiranjem hrane kod kuće ili van nje rijetko izvještavaju o tome.

Crna Gora je jedna od većih turističkih destinacija za evropske posjetioce svake godine, posebno tokom toplih ljeta, kada u velikom broju posjećuju Jadransku obalu i njene istorijske gradove. Ovaj program je osmišljen da poveća svijest o bolestima izazvanim hranom, prevenciji i da stvori kadar koji može nastaviti treninge.

“Serve-Safe” program je prihvaćen širom Sjedinjenih Država kao kvalitetan program za osoblje koje se bavi pripremom hrane, po “Zakonu o bezbjednosti hrane” američkog Ministarstva za hranu i lijekove koji su usvojile pojedinačne države i lokalne vlasti.

Ovaj seminar je posljednji od više programa o bezbjednoj hrani realizovanih u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori u okviru “Programa podrške demokratiji u Istočnoj Evropi” (SEED program) Vlade SAD. Prethodni seminari su bili organizovani za prerađivače mesa i mliječnu industriju.

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